Page 11 - Banking Finance May 2024
P. 11


          the AIF scheme in the debtor company  be auctioned using multiple price auc-  made with the complainant towards
          and not the entire investment.    tion method," the RBI said in a state-  recovery of loan amount," the pro-
          Industry experts said that this would  ment, following a review of market  posal stated, adding the remaining Rs
          lower the burden on the NBFCs which  conditions.                     1.8 lakh loss has to be borne by the
          had done 100 per cent provisioning for  "This was a demand from market par-  complainant. The bank has to submit
          the total investments in AIFs after the  ticipants, and this step is good for over-  compliance to the decision by April 5.
          lapse of the 30-day period given by RBI  all market development," said Vijay
          to liquidate such assets. As some of the  Sharma, senior executive vice presi-  RBI to roll out cash deposit
          entities have already made provision,  dent at PNB Gilts.            facility via UPI
          there could be write back of provision                               The Reserve Bank of India (RBI) has
          in the current quarter.           RBI waives  Rs.  14L  loan         proposed allowing cash deposit facility
          "The circular helps to address the issue  taken in techie's name by  at Cash Deposit  Machines  (CDMs)
          that the provisioning that these enti-                               through UPI, which is currently avail-
          ties need to make will be applicable cybercrooks                     able only through the use of debit
          only where the AIF has a debt exposure  The RBI has directed a private bank to  cards.
          (since equity has been carved out) to  waive the repayment of a Rs 14-lakh
          a portfolio company where the REs  loan that cybercrooks took in the name  The initiative has been taken given the
          have a direct exposure by the way of  of a 27-year-old engineer, whom they  popularity and acceptance of UPI, as
          debt," said Siddharth Shah, Partner,  had tricked into downloading an APK  also the benefits seen from the avail-
          Khaitan & Co.                     file. Also, Rs 2.5 lakh was siphoned off  ability of UPI for cardless cash with-
                                                                               drawal at ATMs, RBI said, adding that
                                            the youth's account, leaving him with
          RBI  reverts  to  multiple        Rs 600.                            operational instructions will be issued
          price auctions                    The youth, an employee of an MNC,  "Currently, to access the cash deposit
          The Reserve Bank of India (RBI) will  sent a legal notice to the private bank  facility, the user must insert his/her
          conduct auctions for all central govern-  from which the loan was taken as well  debit card, enter the PIN and select
          ment securities through multiple price-  as the RBI, following which the apex  'deposit' to complete the cash deposi-
          based method from this financial year,  bank directed the bank to "extinguish  tion process at the ATM or CDM. "Go-
          nearly three years after it changed its  a loan liability" of Rs 14 lakh.  ing ahead, this will be a cardless pro-
          methodology, the central bank said.  The private bank had started asking  cess, all that the user will need, is UPI
          Barring the ultra-long duration which  the youth for EMI payments and even  enabled on that bank account. This will
          consists of bonds maturing in 30 years  recovery agents had started hounding  make the banking transaction CDM as
          and above, the RBI conducted auctions  him.  The  youth's  lawyer,  Bivas  easy as making payments via UPI," said
          for bonds through uniform-based pric-  Chatterjee, called the waiver "a his-  Mandar Agashe, Founder and MD,
          ing since July 2021.              toric decision" as "all RBI mandated  Sarvatra Technologies.
                                            rules were violated when the pre-ap-
          Under the multiple price auctions, buy-  proved loan was assigned to him".
          ers are allotted bonds at the price                                  RBI  imposes  penalty  on
          they bid at, while  uniform pricing  According to the proposal by the RBI  IDFC First Bank, LIC HFC
          means bonds are sold at the cutoff  Ombudsman, "Facts are indicative of  Reserve Bank of India has imposed
          level.                            deficiencies on the part of the banks in  monetary penalty of Rs 1 crore on pri-
                                            compliance with various instructions
          India aims to borrow Rs. 7.50 lakh                                   vate sector lender IDFC First Bank for
                                            issued by RBI. However, negligence is
          crore ($90 billion) via bonds in April-  observed on the part of the complain-  non-compliance with certain directions
          September, 53% of its annual borrow-                                 issued by regulator on Loans and Ad-
                                            ant, too." "The bank has been advised
          ing target of Rs. 14.13 lakh crore.  to extinguish loan liability of the com-  vances.
          "All securities under the market bor-  plainant and take steps to rectify the  The bank had sanctioned term loans to
          rowing programme shall, henceforth,  CIBIL records. follow-up has to be  a public sector undertaking for infra-

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