Page 7 - Banking Finance May 2024
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         equity shares in its joint venture sub-  come eligible for declaration of divi-  pany Ltd. (NCGTC) against the eligible
         sidiary Canara Robeco Asset Manage-  dends.                           micro units under PMMY.
         ment Company by listing the business
                                            The central bank has proposed that
         on the stock exchange. The public sec-  the new guidelines should come into NBFC  co-lending  AUM
         tor bank has 51 per cent stake in the  effect from FY25 onwards.
         mutual fund.                                                          nearing Rs. 1 lakh crore
                                            Mudra loans topped Rs. 5-          Five years after the launch, the co-lend-
         Public sector banks divi-                                             ing book of non-banking finance com-
                                            lakh-crore mark in FY24            panies (NBFCS) is expected to reach Rs
         dend payout may exceed             Small business loans under the Pradhan  1 lakh crore by June 2024 in the wake
         Rs. 15,000 crores                  Mantri Mudra Yojana (PMMY) wit-    of interest from partner banks and the
                                            nessed record growth in disbursals in  benefit of access to funding and diver-
         Public sector banks are likely to pay a
         dividend in excess of Rs 15,000 crore  FY24 and also crossed the milestone of  sification, according to CRISIL Ratings.
                                            Rs. 5 lakh crores, according to the lat-
         for the financial year ending March                                   Over the medium term, growth mo-
                                            est Government data.
         2024 on the back of improved profit-                                  mentum is seen healthy at 35-40 per-
         ability, according to sources.     Loans sanctioned in the last financial  cent annually, a midst rising interests
                                            year were higher  at  Rs.  5.28  lakh  of partners-NBFCS as well as banks, it
         In the first three quarters of the cur-
                                            crore. The total disbursals stood at Rs.  said. The partners, however, may in-
         rent financial year, all 12 PSBs earned
                                            5.20  lakh  crore  in  the year ended  crease  their  focus  on  other  asset
         a total profit of Rs 98,000 crore, only
         Rs 7,000 crore less than the entire  March 2024, against Rs.  4.40 lakh  classes such as loans to micro, small
                                            crore in the previous financial year.  and medium enterprises (MSME) and
                                            Nearly 70 per cent of the beneficiaries  home loans given higher risk weights
         PSBs earned the highest-ever aggre-
                                            of these loans are women.          for personal loans.
         gate net profit of Rs 1.05 lakh crore
         during FY23 compared to Rs 66,539.98  "With this, approximately Rs. 46 lakh  Crisil said a study of 100 NBFCS, ac-
                                            crore has been disbursed in Mudra  counting for over 90 per cent of the
         crore earned in 2021-22.
                                            loans since the introduction of the  sector's AUM, indicates these trends.
         As a result, the government earned a
                                            scheme in 2015, if we include the pro-  Interestingly, only about a third of these
         dividend of Rs 13,804 crore, 58 per  visional figures for  FY24,''a senior  have active co-lending books at present.
         cent higher than the Rs 8,718 crore
                                            Mudra official told.               Ajit Velonie, Senior Director, CRISIL
         paid out in the previous financial year.
                                            The growth is driven by a variety of  Ratings, said, "Co-lending is seen as a
         Since the profit in the current financial
                                            factors. "Lower delinquency rate in this  win-win-for NBFCs-and banks alike, as
         year would be much higher than the  segment is motivating public sector  it allows sharing of risk and rewards.
         previous year, so will be the dividend
                                            banks (PSBs) to further boost loan  For NBFCS, particularly for mid-sized
         payout to the government, sources
                                            growth. PSBs are diligently monitoring  and smaller ones, it enables access to
         said. Going by the past record, the divi-  fund utilisation through consistent fol-  bank funding as well as diversification
         dend payout for FY24 should be in ex-
                                            low-ups and frequent customer inter-  in funding avenues."
         cess of Rs 15,000 crore, they added.
                                            actions," Bibekananda Panda, Senior  "This becomes even more relevant in
         Earlier in January, the Reserve Bank, in  Economist, State Bank of India (SBI),  light of the recent increase in risk
         its draft guidelines, proposed to allow  told.                        weights for bank lending to NBFCS. The
         banks having net non-performing as-  According to a senior Mudra official,  model also allows NBFCs to grow in a
         sets (NPAs) ratio of less than 6 per cent
                                            there is also an institutional framework  capital-efficient manner. For banks, on
         to declare dividends.
                                            that encourages lenders to push dis-  the other hand, it provides optimal
         As per the prevailing norms last up-  bursal of Mudra loans further, such as  access to niche customers and geogra-
         dated in 2005, banks need to have an  the guarantee provided by the Na-  phies and also aids them in meeting
         NPA ratio of up to 7 per cent to be-  tional Credit Guarantee Trustee Com-  their priority sector lending targets,"

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