Page 15 - Banking Finance May 2024
P. 15


          Vivek Katoch chairperson IDSA said "A  About the Namo Drone Didi Scheme,  Digitally delivered services - using com-
          CAGR of 8.3% is a testament to the fact  he said specifications for the drones will  puter networks to provide professional
          that direct selling business in the coun-  be issued soon.           services to education, gaming and
          try has made steady growth, and is                                   streaming music and videos - itself has
          poised to strengthen further in the  FY24 indirect tax collection    seen a sharp increase over the last two
          years to come on the back of a prom-                                 decades, now accounting for over one-
          ising regulatory framework".      exceeds RE: CBIC chairman          fifth of global services trade. Overall,
                                            The indirect tax collection for FY24 has  the WTO expects the global economy
          Govt working on differen-         exceeded the revised estimates (RE) of  and trade to improve. After a 1.2%
                                            Rs 14.84 lakh crore by "a handsome
          tiated framework to regu-         margin", helped by a record GST mop-  decline in goods trade volume, the

          late drones                       up, a top government official said.  multilateral body forecast a 2.6% in-
                                                                               crease in 2024.
          The civil aviation ministry will look at  Lauding the efforts of tax officials, CBIC
          having a differentiated  regulatory  chairman Sanjay Kumar Agarwal, in a
          framework for drones used for civilian  letter to field officials, said, "I am Rs.  6,800  crore  PLI  dis-
          and industrial purposes, a senior offi-  happy to inform that the indirect tax  bursed in FY24
          cial said as he pitched for indigenous  collections for the Financial Year 2023-
          development of the drone ecosystem.  24, including Customs and Union Excise  Incentives worth Rs 6,800 crore were
                                            Duty have exceeded the Revised Esti-  disbursed among the eligible beneficia-
          Civil Aviation Secretary Vumlunmang                                  ries of production-linked incentive (PLI)
          Vualnam also emphasised that the  mates by a handsome margin".       schemes in 2023-24 against the govern-
          government will make efforts to pro-  This achievement not only reflects pro-  ment estimate of Rs 11,000 crore, re-
          mote drones as well as push advanced  fessionalism but also underscores the
          air mobility.                     strength of teamwork and persever-  vealed Rajesh Kumar Singh, secretary,
                                            ance within the CBIC community, he  the Department for Promotion of In-
          Speaking at the national conference on                               dustry and Internal Trade (DPIIT).
                                            said, adding that "your relentless ef-
          drones in the national capital, he said
          that "much has been done and more will  forts have not gone unnoticed, and I  Singh also shared the government's
          be done" on the regulations for drones.  extend my heartfelt appreciation to  plans to make the PLI schemes for tex-
                                            each and every member for their in-  tiles, bulk drugs, food products, and
          The ministry is looking at having a dif-  valuable contributions throughout the  solar PV modules relatively attractive
          ferentiated regulatory framework for  year".
          civilian and industrial drones, he noted.                            by adding more product lines and ex-
          A Production-Linked Incentive (PLI)  India now 4th largest ex-       tending the timelines. Furthermore,
          Scheme for drones and drone compo-                                   the PLI scheme for drones could see an
          nents was notified in September 2021. porter of digitally deliv-     increase in allocation due to its good
          An incentive of Rs 120 crore is being ered services                  offtake.
          provided for Indian manufacturers of  Amid a more optimistic picture of glo-  Though the DPIIT secretary refrained
          drone and drone components on the  bal trade in 2024, there is more good  from divulging specific details about
          basis of value addition and certain  news  for  India,  which  has  now  the lower-than-expected disburse-
          other conditions.                 emerged as fourth largest exporter of  ment, he assured that investment and
          At the conference organised by indus-  digitally delivered services, whose  production under such schemes are on
          try body CII, Vualnam said the scheme  share has now increased to more than  track. "(Cumulative) investment of
          has been successful and stressed on  a fifth of international trade in services.  about Rs. 1.13 trillion had already
          the need for indigenous development  Data released by in the Global Trade  been reported until February-end. Pro-
          of the drone ecosystem.           Outlook and Statistics estimated India's  duction/sales are also about Rs. 6.5
          He also made it clear that there should  digitally delivered services exports at  trillion,  employment  (number)  is
          not be dependency on incentives and  $257 billion in 2023, 17% higher than the  800,000, and exports have reached Rs.
          that the drone industry should sustain  previous year. Having pipped Germany,  3.45 trillion. These are big achieve-
          on its own.                       India lags the US, the UK and Ireland.  ments," he told in an interview.

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