Page 19 - Banking Finance October 2024
P. 19

India (14 RRBs), Punjab National Bank  Uttar  Pradesh  Govern-        gamation with Bengaluru-based Na-
         (9), and Canara Bank (4).                                             tional Cooperative Bank Ltd. During
                                            ment Bans Strikes in Co-
         RRBs recorded their highest-ever con-                                 the Special General Meeting (SGM),
         solidated net profit of Rs. 7,571 crore operative Sector Amid Pay     97.47% of  Cosmos  Bank  members
         for FY24, with a gross non-performing  Hike Protests                  voted in favor of the merger, while
         asset (GNPA) ratio of 6.1%, the lowest                                94.06% of National Cooperative Bank
         in a decade. Last month, Union Finance  Employees of various cooperative insti-  members approved it.
         Minister Nirmala Sitharaman urged  tutions in Uttar Pradesh are protest-  National Cooperative Bank operates 13
         RRBs to focus on enhancing business  ing, demanding the implementation of  branches in Karnataka, and the amal-
         performance, upgrading digital ser-  the 7th Pay Commission and resolving  gamation will expand Cosmos Bank's
         vices, and supporting MSME clusters.  salary discrepancies. The protests, led  presence in the state. The merger pro-
                                            by the Uttar Pradesh Cooperative Fed-
                                            eration (PCF), have persisted despite  posal will now be submitted to the Re-
         Pune's People's Co-opera-                                             serve Bank of India for final approval.
                                            adverse weather conditions.
         tive Bank Reports Strong                                              Cosmos Bank has previously merged
                                            The Uttar Pradesh government, how-  with 18 smaller cooperative banks.
         Performance,  Declares             ever, has imposed a six-month ban on
         12.5% Dividend                     strikes in the cooperative sector, af-  Gujarat’s  UCBs  lead  in
                                            fecting institutions such as the State
         Pune People's Cooperative Bank an-  Warehousing Corporation. PCF employ- reining  NPAs;  CM  ap-
         nounced a 12.5% dividend for FY24  ees, who play a critical role in grain
         during its 73rd Annual General Meet-                                  plauds critical co-ops’ role
         ing. The bank achieved a business mix  procurement, remain firm in their de-  Gujarat’s Urban Co-operative Banks
         of Rs. 2,378 crore, including Rs. 1,471  mands and continue the strike despite  (UCBs) have shown remarkable perfor-
         crore in deposits and Rs. 907.79 crore  the government's directive.   mance, achieving a Gross Non-Per-
         in loans. The bank also reported a net                                forming Asset  (GNPA) ratio of just
         profit of Rs. 16.20 crore and main-  Cosmos Bank Sharehold-           0.5%. This is well below the national
         tained a zero net non-performing as-  ers  Approve  Amalgam-          average of 3.8% for UCBs across India,
         set (NPA) status.                                                     marking the financial strength of the
                                            ation with National Co-op-
         Chairman CA Janardan Ranadive high-                                   state’s  UCB  ecosystem.  Jyotindra
         lighted the bank's focus on consistency  erative Bank                 Mehta, Chairman of the National Ur-
         and stability, with plans to adopt the  The Cosmos Cooperative Bank Ltd. has  ban Co-operative Finance and Devel-
         UPI Lite system and shift to a cloud-  received overwhelming approval from  opment Corporation (NUCFDC), high-
         based data management system.      its members for the proposed amal-  lighted this achievement during the
                                                                               Sahakar Setu Summit at The Leela,
           Some RRBs Express Interest in IPOs After Strong Per-                Gandhinagar.
                                                                               The  one-day  summit,  aimed  at
                                                                               strengthening the western UCB sector,
           Buoyed by strong financial performance, several Regional Rural Banks  attracted over 500 participants, in-
           (RRBs) are considering initial public offerings (IPOs), as discussed during a  cluding policymakers, regulators, and
           meeting with Finance Minister Nirmala Sitharaman. Sponsor banks, includ-  banking leaders. Mehta emphasized
           ing Punjab National Bank (PNB), indicated that some RRBs, such as Prathama  that Gujarat’s UCB ecosystem is poised
           UP Gramin Bank and Punjab Gramin Bank, are well-positioned for public  for sustainable growth, with the low
           fundraising.                                                        NPA rate signalling financial health
           Prathama UP Gramin Bank, formed by the 2019 amalgamation of Sarva UP  and future resilience.
           Gramin Bank and Prathama Gramin Bank, operates 967 branches across  Several industry leaders echoed this
           20 districts in Uttar Pradesh. RRBs aiming for IPOs must meet the finance  sentiment, emphasizing the impor-
           ministry's 2022 guidelines, which require a minimum net worth of Rs. 300  tance of digital transformation for
           crore, a capital adequacy ratio above 9%, and consistent profitability.  UCBs.

            BANKING FINANCE |                                                             OCTOBER | 2024 | 17
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