Page 18 - Banking Finance October 2024
P. 18

to promote cooperative-driven eco-
                                                                               nomic development, strengthen the
                                                                               cooperative movement, and extend its
                                                                               reach to the grassroots. The Secretary
                                                                               also noted that approximately 65,000
                                                                               Primary Agricultural Cooperative Soci-
                                                                               eties (PACS) will be computerized by
                                        Ò»©­                                   February 2025.

                                                                               Government  Plans  'One
                                                                               State, One RRB' Policy to

                                                                               Consolidate Regional Ru-
                                                                               ral Banks

           Finance Minister Urges RRBs to Boost Credit for                     The Union Ministry of Finance is work-
                                                                               ing on a new policy to consolidate Re-
                                                                               gional Rural Banks (RRBs) under the
           Union Finance Minister Nirmala Sitharaman has called on regional rural banks  "One State, One RRB" framework to
           (RRBs) to ensure adequate credit flow to the micro, small, and medium en-  improve efficiency and reduce compe-
           terprises (MSME) sector. She emphasized the importance of raising aware-  tition among sponsoring public sector
           ness about government schemes, particularly in aspirational districts, to  banks. The plan would reduce the num-
           achieve the 'Vikshit Bharat' goal by 2047. Sitharaman's comments came  ber of RRBs from the current 43 to
           during a review meeting focused on the performance of RRBs in Gujarat,  around 30, merging RRBs within a
           Maharashtra, Madhya Pradesh, Chhattisgarh, and Rajasthan. The discus-  state under a single sponsor bank.
           sion highlighted business growth in MSME clusters, financial inclusion, and
           the need to upgrade digital technology services in rural areas.     This policy aims to enhance the tech-
                                                                               nological capabilities of RRBs, particu-
                                                                               larly in mobile banking, and streamline
          RBI Cancels Licenses of 78        tions, with 36 UCBs losing their li-  operations. The goal is to improve the
                                            censes. Other states affected include
          Urban Co-operative Banks          Uttar Pradesh, Karnataka, Gujarat,  quality of service and support financial
          Since 2014                        and Rajasthan.                     inclusion while minimizing competition
                                                                               among RRBs within the same state.
          The Reserve Bank of India (RBI) has                                  The Ministry has yet to provide an of-
          cancelled the licenses of 78 Urban Co-  New National Cooperative
                                                                               ficial comment on the timeline for this
          operative Banks (UCBs) since 2014,  Policy Expected in Next 2-       initiative.
          with 46% of these banks located in
          Maharashtra, according to data pre-  3 Months
          sented in Parliament. The cancella-  India's new National Cooperative Policy  Government May Reduce
          tions were due to reasons such as in-  is set to be announced within the next  Number of RRBs to 30
          adequate capital, poor financial perfor-  two to three months, according to  The Indian government is considering
          mance, and potential harm to deposi-  Cooperation Secretary Ashish Kumar  a policy to reduce the number of Re-
          tors' interests.                  Bhutani. A 47-member committee, led  gional Rural Banks (RRBs) from 43 to
                                            by  former  Union  Minister  Suresh
          In 2024 alone, 10 UCB licenses were                                  around 30. RRBs, established under
          revoked,   including   banks   in  Prabhu, has prepared a draft policy  the RRB Act of 1976 to serve rural ar-
          Maharashtra,  Karnataka,  Uttar   that is now in its final stages.   eas, are sponsored by public sector
          Pradesh, and other states. Over the  The new policy is aligned with the vi-  banks with capital contributions from
          past decade, Maharashtra has seen the  sion of "Sahakar se Samriddhi" (pros-  the Centre, states, and sponsor banks.
          highest number of license cancella-  perity through cooperation) and aims  Major sponsors include State Bank of

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