Page 13 - Banking Finance October 2024
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          October, as part of an initiative to pro-
          vide them with Aadhaar-like unique  GST Evasion Doubles in FY24, Mumbai Tops the List
          IDs.  Agriculture  Secretary  Devesh  Goods and Services Tax (GST) evasion in India surged to Rs. 2.01 lakh crore
          Chaturvedi announced the program,   in FY24, nearly doubling the previous year's figure of Rs. 1.01 lakh crore,
          which aims to register five crore farm-  according to data from the Directorate General of GST Intelligence (DGGI).
          ers by March 2025.                  Mumbai recorded the highest amount of evasion at Rs. 70,985 crore, fol-
                                              lowed by Delhi, Pune, Gurugram, and Hyderabad.
          The unique ID will enable farmers to
          access various government schemes,  Among services, online gaming, banking, and financial services were the
          such as the Minimum Support Price   most prone to evasion, while sectors such as iron, copper, and tobacco prod-
          (MSP) and Kisan Credit Card program,  ucts were flagged for significant GST evasion in goods. Out of the total eva-
          with ease. The initiative is part of the  sion cases detected in FY24, voluntary payments amounted to Rs. 26,605
          Rs. 2,817-crore Digital Agriculture  crore across 4,520 cases. The most common evasion methods involved non-
          Mission, and a pilot project has already  payment of taxes through clandestine supply and undervaluation, compris-
          been conducted in Maharashtra and   ing 46% of cases.
          Uttar Pradesh.
                                            while seeking to balance this with the  ing, shifts the responsibility of GST pay-
          India Requires Rs. 30 Tril-       interests of the payment and fintech  ments from landlords to tenants when
          lion  Investment for  500         industries. This move aligns with global  the landlord is not registered with GST
                                            efforts, particularly by the Financial  authorities.
          GW of Renewable Energy            Action Task Force (FATF), to combat  This adjustment aims to plug revenue
          by 2030                           terror financing and money laundering  leakage from unregistered property
          India will need an investment of Rs. 30  through stricter norms for card and  owners and expand the tax base, es-
          lakh crore by 2030 to achieve its am-  online transactions.          pecially for commercial properties
          bitious target of generating 500 GW of  Although industry players, including  used for business purposes. While this
          renewable energy, according to Union  global payment giants, have raised  change will likely improve compliance
          Minister for New and Renewable En-  concerns about the costs of compliance  and boost government revenue, it
          ergy Pralhad Joshi. The announcement  and changes to systems, India remains  may increase costs for tenants, as they
          came ahead of the 4th Global Renew-  committed to enhancing data avail-  now bear the GST burden on rentals.
          able Energy Investors Meet & Expo  ability on fund transfers. The FATF is
          (RE-INVEST) 2024, which will be inau-  currently deliberating on how to en- GST  Cut  on  Key  Cancer
          gurated by Prime Minister Narendra  sure that essential information on  Drugs to Improve Patient
          Modi.                             cross-border transactions is readily ac-
          The global summit, scheduled for Sep-  cessible to law enforcement agencies  Access
          tember 16-18, 2024, in Gandhinagar,  without being masked, thus enabling  In a move aimed at reducing the finan-
                                            faster interventions.              cial burden of cancer treatment, the
          will bring together key stakeholders in
          the renewable energy sector. Joshi                                   government has reduced the Goods
          emphasized that the investment will be GST Tweak on Commercial       and Services Tax (GST) on essential
          critical to achieving India's renewable  Rentals Expected to Boost   cancer drugs. This tax cut is expected
          energy goals.                                                        to enhance patient access to life-sav-
                                            Revenue                            ing treatments, especially as cancer
          Government  Pushes  for           The recent Goods and Services Tax  cases continue to rise in India.

          Greater  Disclosures  in          (GST) Council decision to impose GST  Pharmaceutical industry representa-
                                            on commercial property rentals under  tives have urged the government to
          Digital Payments                  the reverse charge mechanism (RCM)  extend this tax exemption to all rare
          The Indian government is supporting  is expected to increase government  disease medications, in addition to
          increased transparency in credit card  tax revenues. The new rule, which took  cancer  drugs. Anil  Matai, Director
          and  digital  payment  transactions,  effect after the Council's 54th meet-  General of the Organisation of Pharma-

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