Page 11 - Banking Finance October 2024
P. 11


                                                                               hosting service providers. A key deci-
                                                                               sion involves granting GST credit on
                                                                               demo vehicles used by authorized au-
                                                                               tomotive dealers for test drives, allow-
                                                                               ing such vehicles to be classified as part
                                                                               of the supply chain, thus making them
                                                                               eligible for input tax credit.
                                  Ò»©­                                         Another  circular  clarified the GST

                                                                               treatment for data hosting services
                                                                               offered by Indian firms to foreign cloud
                                                                               computing companies. Previously, tax
                                                                               authorities had not considered such
                                                                               services as exports, leading to GST li-
                                                                               abilities. This clarification now enables
                                                                               these firms to be treated as exporters,
           CAG Calls for Identification of High-Risk Taxpayers in              providing relief from additional GST
           GST Composition Scheme                                              payments.
           The Comptroller and Auditor General (CAG) has urged the Finance Ministry
           to periodically identify high-risk taxpayers within the GST Composition  SEBI Urges Chartered Ac-
           Scheme to combat tax evasion. The CAG's analysis of 8.66 lakh composition  countants to Be Cautious
           taxpayers revealed that many had a high risk of exceeding the turnover
           threshold for the scheme.                                           When Auditing SMEs
                                                                               The Securities and Exchange Board of
           Taxpayers eligible for the scheme must have a turnover of less than Rs. 1.5
                                                                               India (SEBI) has advised chartered ac-
           crore, or Rs. 75 lakh in special category states. The CAG pointed to two
                                                                               countants (CAs) to exercise extra dili-
           major risks: under-declaration of the value of sales by taxpayers to remain
           in the scheme and failure to meet eligibility criteria. The report recom-  gence when auditing companies listed
                                                                               on the SME (Small and Medium-sized
           mended cross-verification of taxpayers' data with other sources, such as IT
           returns and vehicle registrations, to ensure compliance.            Enterprises)  exchange  platforms.
                                                                               Speaking at an industry event, Ashwani
                                                                               Bhatia, SEBI's whole-time member,
          China to Raise Retirement         and is projected to exceed 80 by 2050,  stressed the importance of thorough
                                            while the workforce supporting the  auditing as these SMEs have the poten-
          Age Starting January 2025         elderly population is declining. Extend-  tial to grow and eventually list on the
          China's top legislative body has ap-  ing the working years is expected to  main board.
          proved a proposal to raise the country's  ease the strain on pension funds, al-
          retirement age, marking a significant  though it may not be well-received by  Bhatia compared CAs to "first-level
          reform aimed at addressing the eco-  all workers, who could be reluctant to  regulators," noting their role in ensur-
          nomic challenges posed by a shrinking  delay their retirement.       ing the orderly conduct of companies.
          workforce. Starting January 1, 2025, the                             SEBI highlighted the growing impor-
          retirement age for men will increase                                 tance of SMEs, which have raised Rs.
          from 60 to 63 years, while for women GST Relief for Advertising      14,000 crore, including Rs. 6,000 crore
          in white-collar jobs it will rise from 55  Agencies and Automobile   in FY24 alone, from the market.
          to 58. Women in blue-collar work will
          see the age increase from 50 to 55.  Dealers                         SEBI Fines Anil Ambani and
          The  reforms  will  be  implemented  The Union Finance Ministry has an-  Associates Rs. 624 Crore
          gradually over a 15-year period. The  nounced GST relief measures for the
          changes are crucial as China's life ex-  automotive and advertising sectors, as for Fund Diversion
          pectancy has risen to 78 years in 2021  well as for exporters of goods and data  SEBI has imposed a Rs. 624 crore fine

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