Page 12 - Banking Finance October 2024
P. 12


         on Anil Ambani, Chairman of the Anil  Government  Launches            The amendments follow a board pro-
         D. Ambani Group (ADAG), and 24 as-                                    posal last month and are part of SEBI's
         sociates for their involvement in divert-  Simplified Pension Applica-  broader efforts to safeguard market
         ing funds from Reliance Home Finance  tion Form                       participants and ensure proper regula-
         Ltd. (RHFL). Ambani and key execu-  The Ministry of Personnel, Public Griev-  tory oversight amid the growing popu-
         tives, including Amit Bapna, Ravindra  ances, and Pensions has introduced a  larity of financial advice on social me-
         Sudhalkar, and Pinkesh R Shah, have  single, streamlined pension application  dia platforms.
         also been barred from the securities  form, Form 6-A, which consolidates
         market for five years.             nine separate forms required for retir- GST  Taxpayers  Without
         SEBI's  investigation  revealed  that  ing government officials. This new form  Bank  Accounts  Barred
         Ambani and the former executives   will simplify the pension application
         loaned large sums to entities con-  process and can be accessed through  from Filing GSTR-1
         nected to ADAG, which were never   the e-HRMS and Bhavishya govern-   Starting September 1, GST taxpayers
         repaid. The regulator's 222-page re-  ment portals.                   who fail to provide valid bank account
         port described Ambani as the master-  Dr. Jitendra Singh, Minister of State,  details will be barred from filing their
         mind behind the fraudulent scheme.                                    outward supply return, GSTR-1, as per
                                            said the initiative aims to reduce the
         This marks the completion of regula-  time and effort required for govern-  a new advisory issued by the GST Net-
         tory action following SEBI's interim di-  ment employees to apply for pensions,  work (GSTN). The rule, based on GST
         rections in February 2022.         making the process more efficient.  Rule 10A, mandates taxpayers to fur-
                                                                               nish bank account details within 30
         SMEs  Raise  Rs.  11,000           SEBI  Tightens  Rules  to          days of receiving GST registration or
         Crore in a Decade                  Regulate Financial Influen-        before submitting their GSTR-1 form.

         Small and medium enterprises (SMEs)                                   This rule will apply to returns for the
         have raised Rs. 11,000 crore over the  cers                           tax period starting in August 2024,
         past decade, according to Shekhar  SEBI  has  amended  regulations  to  ensuring stricter compliance from reg-
         Chaudhary, Director of the Financial  tackle the rising influence of unregis-  istered taxpayers.
         Markets Division at the Department of  tered financial influencers, also known
         Economic Affairs. Speaking at the 10th  as "finfluencers." The amendments Government  to  Launch
         Capital Markets Conclave organized by  restrict associations between regu-  Aadhaar-Style  IDs  for
         CII Eastern Region, Chaudhary empha-  lated entities and unregistered indi-
         sized the growing trend of SMEs get-  viduals in the financial markets, ad- Farmers in October
         ting listed on the NSE and BSE, with  dressing concerns about potential risks  The Indian government is set to begin
         780 SMEs listed as of June 2023.   posed by such individuals.         registering farmers nationwide from
         Chaudhary  also  highlighted  the
         government's initiative to create a so-  RBI  Clarifies  Education  Loan  Rules  for  OCI
         cial stock exchange (SSE), through   Cardholders
         which nine NGOs have raised Rs. 12   The Reserve Bank of India (RBI) has clarified that Overseas Citizens of India
         crore so far. Around 100 NGOs have   (OCI) cardholders residing in India are eligible for education loans to study
         registered with the NSE and BSE and  abroad. However, OCI cardholders living outside India can only avail loans
         are preparing fundraising documents
                                              from Indian banks for studying within India. This clarification came after banks
         for future listings. Additionally, SEBI
                                              sought guidance on the applicability of the Model Education Loan Scheme
         member Amarjeet Singh noted that
                                              to OCIs.
         mutual funds' assets under manage-
         ment (AUM) from smaller cities (B30)  There was initial confusion about whether loans to OCI residents in India
         increased from 15% to 18% over the   should fall under the Liberalised Remittance Scheme (LRS), which allows
         last five years, with Bengal contribut-  remittances of up to $250,000 per year. The RBI's clarification resolves
         ing 5% to the total AUM.             doubts and ensures proper treatment of loans for education purposes.

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