Page 14 - Banking Finance October 2024
P. 14


         ceutical Producers of India, empha-  vious four years. Experts note that in  Cabinet Approves Unified
         sized that such exemptions would sig-  some cases, the department is re-
         nificantly improve healthcare out-  questing records going back as far as  Pension Plan for 23 Lakh
         comes across the country, allowing  40 years, placing the burden of proof  Central Employees
         more patients to receive timely and  on the individuals.              The government has announced a new
         affordable treatment.
                                                                               Unified Pension Scheme (UPS) for Cen-
                                            Income  Tax Department             tral government employees, which is
         NRIs  Face  Summons  on
                                            Issues 10,000 Reopening            set to benefit around 23 lakh workers.
         Foreign Assets and Resi-                                              The scheme, effective from April 1,
         dency Status                       The Income Tax Department has is-  2025, will replace the current National
                                                                               Pension Scheme (NPS) for government
         Non-resident Indians (NRIs) are receiv-  sued 10,000 reopening notices to com-  employees and will be available on an
         ing summons from India's Income Tax  panies and individuals across major In-  optional basis for State government
         Department, which is investigating  dian cities, including Delhi, Mumbai,  workers as well.
         their involvement with foreign financial  Bengaluru, and Chennai, for discrepan-
         entities. These summonses demand   cies in reported income related to the  Under the UPS, the government's con-
         detailed information on foreign ac-  2018-19 assessment year. These cases,  tribution will increase from 14% to
         counts, including the year of account  suspected of involving Rs. 15,000 crore  18.5%, with additional features such as
         opening, residential status during the  in undisclosed income, must be re-  assured pensions, family pensions, mini-
         account's existence, and copies of pass-  solved before the August 31 deadline  mum pensions, inflation indexation,
         ports. The inquiries are based on data  for reopening.                and lump-sum payments upon retire-
         received from foreign jurisdictions, and  The notices are primarily focused on  ment. Employees who retired under
         individuals are required to demon-  bogus charitable donations claimed  the NPS will be eligible for the UPS, and
         strate their non-resident status by pro-  under Section 80G of the Income Tax  arrears will be paid with interest at
         viding records of their time spent in  Act and high-value overseas transac-  Public Provident Fund (PPF) rates.
         and out of India.
                                            tions, such as property acquisitions.
         NRIs are classified as residents for tax  Officials have stated that the exact fig- India’s biggest oil, gas bid
         purposes if they spend 182 or more  ures  may  change  as  the  process  round gets 4 bidders
         days in India in a year or 60 days in a  progresses and responses to the notices
         year along with 365 days over the pre-  are received.                  India's biggest oil and gas bid round
                                                                               attracted four bidders that included
                                                                               state-owned ONGC and OIL and pri-
                                                                               vate sector Vedanta Ltd, with most
           Cabinet Approves 12 Industrial Smart Cities with Rs.                blocks getting just two bids, according
           28,602 Crore Outlay                                                 to Directorate General of Hydrocar-
           The Union Cabinet has approved the establishment of 12 industrial smart cit-  bons (DGH).
           ies across 10 states with an estimated investment of Rs. 28,602 crore. These  The OALP-IX bid  round,  where  28
           cities, which include locations like Khurpia in Uttarakhand, Rajpura-Patiala in  blocks or areas spread over 1.36 lakh
           Punjab, and Agra and Prayagraj in Uttar Pradesh, are part of a plan to boost  square kilometre were offered for find-
           domestic manufacturing and attract foreign direct investment (FDI). Com-  ing and producing oil and gas, for the
           merce Minister Piyush Goyal stated that these cities will create a "necklace  first time saw Reliance Industries Ltd-
           of industrial cities" along the Golden Quadrilateral, offering 'plug-and-play'  bp plc combine bidding together with
           infrastructure, such as 24-hour electricity and potable water.      ONGC for one block in Gujarat off-
           Designed to foster a robust industrial ecosystem, the cities aim to support  shore.
           both large anchor industries and micro, small, and medium enterprises  Reliance and its supermajor partner bp
           (MSMEs), targeting investments from global players, including those from  plc had bid in just two of the past eight
           Singapore and Switzerland.
                                                                               oil and gas bid rounds since 2017.

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