Page 16 - Banking Finance October 2024
P. 16


         multi-cap, mid-cap, and flexi-cap funds  Axis CRISIL-IBX AAA NBFC Index - June  Overnight Fund to a newly launched
         each saw 69% of their schemes surpass  2027 Fund, an  open-ended Target  scheme at the end of the NFO period.
         benchmarks.                        Maturity Index Fund. The scheme in-  This facility is available to both exist-
                                            vests in the CRISIL-IBX AAA NBFC Index  ing and new investors of LIC Mutual
         SBI Mutual Fund Launches           - June 2027, which features low credit  Fund and was announced through a
                                            risk and moderate interest rate risk.  notice dated September 12.
         Nifty 500 Index Fund               The fund's maturity date is June 30,
         SBI Mutual Fund, the largest asset  2027.                             The fund house reserves the right to
                                                                               modify or discontinue this facility at
         management company in India, has   The NFO for this fund is currently open  any time, with changes taking effect
         launched the SBI Nifty 500 Index Fund,  for subscription and will close on Sep-  on a prospective basis. This facility aims
         an open-ended scheme replicating the  tember 23. The minimum investment  to simplify investment transitions dur-
         Nifty 500 Index. The new fund offer  is Rs. 5,000, with no exit load. The fund  ing NFO periods for investors.
         (NFO) will open for subscription on Sep-  aims to provide returns that closely
         tember 17 and close on September 24.
                                            match the CRISIL-IBX AAA NBFC Index  Kotak Mutual Fund Warns
         The fund provides investors the oppor-  - June 2027 before fees and expenses,
         tunity to invest in the Nifty 500 Index,  with 95% to 100% of its assets allo-  Investors  of  Fraudulent
         which covers the top 500 stocks by  cated to fixed-income instruments rep- Social Media Accounts
         market capitalization, spanning the  licating the index.              Kotak Mutual Fund has issued a public
         large-cap, mid-cap, and small-cap seg-                                notice warning investors and the gen-
                                            LIC  Mutual  Fund  Intro-          eral  public  about  a  fraudulent
                                                                               WhatsApp group impersonating the
         Axis       Mutual         Fund duces Auto Switch Facility             fund house. The group, titled "Kotak
         Launches CRISIL-IBX AAA During NFO Period                             Club - 213," is falsely using the Kotak
                                                                               Mahindra Mutual Fund name, logo,
         NBFC  Index  - June  2027          LIC Mutual Fund has introduced an  and even the identities of senior ex-
                                            auto switch facility for new fund offers
         Fund                               (NFOs), allowing investors to switch  ecutives to mislead people by offering
                                                                               stock market tips and trades.
         Axis Mutual Fund has introduced the  their investments from the LIC MF
                                                                               The fund house clarified that it has not
                                                                               authorized any such group or activity
           Mutual Fund SIP Contributions Cross Rs. 23,000                      and is not associated with this fraudu-
           Crore for Second Month                                              lent group in any way. The notice urged
           Mutual fund Systematic Investment Plan (SIP) contributions surpassed Rs.  the public to be cautious and avoid
                                                                               engaging with the group, emphasizing
           23,000 crore for the second consecutive month in August 2024, reaching
                                                                               that  the  group  was  created  with
           Rs. 23,547 crore, slightly higher than July's Rs. 23,332 crore. The mutual
                                                                               the intent to defraud and mislead
           fund industry's net assets under management (AUM) increased to Rs. 66.7
           lakh crore in August from Rs. 64.96 lakh crore in July, with the average AUM  investors.
           (AAUM) rising to Rs. 66.04 lakh crore.
           Investor interest in mutual funds continues to grow, as evidenced by a record
           20.45 crore folios in August, up from 15.89 crore in July. Retail mutual fund  Online Certificate
           folios, including equity, hybrid, and solution-oriented schemes, also reached
           an all-time high of 16.35 crore.                                              Course on

           Madhu Nair, CEO of Union Mutual Fund, noted that the increase in folios
           and wallet share reflects growing investor confidence in mutual funds as a  Motor Insurance
           preferred savings and wealth creation tool. He also highlighted the rising
           interest in Fund of Funds (FoFs) following recent taxation changes, which  For details please visit
           have resulted in positive inflows after a prolonged period of stagnation.

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