Page 38 - Banking Finance October 2024
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          2022 and July 2022 respectively. Inflation got spooked  still  lot  of  uncertainty  about  the  path  that  the  data
          on account of rise in geopolitical tensions post outbreak  dependent Central banks are likely  to follow to decide
          of Ukraine-Russia War. This resulted in sharp rise in the  the timing and quantum of future rate cuts.
          global  prices  of  crude,  food  and  other  important
          commodities  coupled  with  further  deterioration  in the Impact  of  Monetary  Policy  Tightening  on
          supply chain. As a result of this globally inflation spiked  various economic variables:
          and stood elevated. The central  banks across the world
                                                              a) On System Liquidity
          addressed the situation with aggressive and simultaneous
                                                              MPC  in  the  current  regime  of  policy  tightening  has
          monetary policy  and quantitative  tightening.
                                                              changed its stance to withdrawal of accommodation from
                                                              ultra-accommodative. The Central Bank indicated that it
          India also witnessed rising trend in inflation from October
                                                              would pull-out system liquidity in a calibrated and smooth
          2021 and become resolute after it went above 6% from
                                                              manner. There  was gradual decline in liquidity surplus
          January 2022 and continued to stay at those levels  for
                                                              generated during Covid because  of  monetary easing. It
          next  5  consecutive  quarters.  The  situation  in  India
                                                              started  declining  from  the level of Rs.   6.6 trillion in
          deteriorated further on account of Russian-Ukraine war
                                                              April 2022 to Rs.  1.50 trillion in by April 2023. The
          as food and fuel inflation spiked resulting in rise in CPI
                                                              banking system liquidity turned into deficit position from
          inflation as they carried a joint weight of 52.60% in the
                                                              September  2023.  This  warranted  RBI  to  inject  net
          CPI basket. This forced the Monetary policy Committee
                                                              liquidity on short term. It was clear that RBI's intention
          (MPC) to follow other Central Banks with its first-rate hike
                                                              by means of its  liquidity management was in sync with
          in an off-cycle meeting in May 2022. This was followed
                                                              its stance and effective policy  rates. This supplemented
          by  consecutive  rate  hikes  with  repo  rate  increasing
                                                              and  enabled  decline  in  inflation  on  account  of  faster
          cumulatively by 250 bps in the next 6 consecutive policy
                                                              transmission  of  monetary  policy.  Figure  1  shows  the
          meetings, from May 2022 to February 2023. The MPC
                                                              movement in system liquidity during FY24.
          has  maintained  status-quo  in  last
          seven  policy  meetings  till  April

          Inflation  moderation  has  taken
          place   both    globally   and
          domestically  from  its  peak  in
          2022. However, it remains slightly
          higher and above the target set by
          various  central  banks.  In
          March,2023 the financial markets
          in  US  were  jolted  with  banking
          failures  and  the  fear  of  financial
          contagion.  So,  to  control  the
          situation  central  banks  started
          adopting a less aggressive policy path, which comprised
                                                                                      (Figure 1: Source Bloomberg)
          of  pausing  rates  and  possibility  of  rate  cuts  in  case
          inflationary  pressure  eases  further  in  near  term.  The
                                                              b) On Money Market: Impact on Yield Curves
          expectation of rate cuts coupled with the idea  that  the
          global economy would not be entering recession, boosted  of T-Bill & CD
          the financial market across the globe. However, there is  The impact of monetary policy tightening was witnessed

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