Page 41 - Banking Finance October 2024
P. 41


         of  private  and foreign  banks in  EBLR  linked  loans is  in the rising" and the same turned   true as retail inflation
         higher (figure 4 as on Dec 2023 RBI data) which could  rose substantially. The CPI index from January 2022 to
         be  on account of higher interest rate discounts offered  September 2022 stood around 7%. The core inflation (it
         by  foreign  and  private  banks  during  Covid  period  to  excludes food and fuel inflation) consistently stayed above
         migrate their customers  from MCLR to EBLR.          6 per cent for almost every month between May 2021 to
                                                              March 2023. MPC started increasing policy  rates from
         The  transmission of policy  interest rates in the current  May 2022 and till April 2023 the repo rate was increased
         tightening cycle, has been effective for both deposit and  by 250 basis points and then paused.
         credit market. This sets the tone for bringing in the right
         balance in spending  by  consumer and businesses. The  The long pause of policy rate at 6.50% since April 2023
         change in deposit and lending rates for SCB's on account  and RBI's emphasis on draining  out  liquidity  from the
         of monetary tightening since April 2023 to March 2024  system in accordance  with its stance  of "withdrawal of
         as per RBI data is as follows:                       accommodation" has to a large extent improved the anti-
                                                              inflation credibility  of monetary  policy and the central
           Sl.    Weighted Average     Weighted Average       bank. These steps have helped to break the vicious circle
           No     Term deposit rates     Lending rates        of wage-price  spiral  which  results  into  transmission  of
                 Fresh   Outstanding   Fresh   Outstanding    inflationary pressures rising from higher food inflation to
               Deposits    Deposits    Loans      Loans       rise in core inflation. There has been continuous decline
                                                              in core inflation since January 2023, which as on March
           01 +259 bps     +185 bps +186 bps +111 bps
                                                              2024 hovers around record low levels of 3.50%.

         It was also observed from the data that  transmission of
                                                              As economic growth  of  our country is not  showing any
         hikes in  repo  rates  to deposit  and advances  has been
                                                              adverse signs on account of current policy rates, so we
         done more efficiently by PSB's in comparison to Private  feel that RBI is unlikely cut policy rates in a hurry. In a
         and Foreign Banks.                                   post policy press conference in April 2024, the Governor
                                                              indicated that  India's potential  growth has likely risen
         Decline in rate of growth in deposits and advances is a
                                                              given  8% GDP growth over  the  last  three  years.  This
         tool  to  measure  the  effectiveness  of  monetary  policy
                                                              indicates  that  neutral  real  rates  have  risen,  providing
         tightening which should finally result in fall in aggregate
                                                              policy space  to remain on pause, for further clarity on
         demand. The credit demand showed signs of decline till
                                                              food inflation risks and Fed policy.
         March,2023. However, from April 2023 credit  growth
         started to rise as MPC took a pause on the policy repo
                                                              f) Impact on Economic Growth:
         rate  which  gave  an indication  that  interest  rates  have
                                                              The  monetary  policy  tightening  both  globally  and
         peaked and could decline in near future. This was coupled
                                                              domestically  had  a  considerable  impact  on  India's
         with economic growth and tight liquidity position in the
                                                              economy, as it clearly highlighted that the prime objective
         market which augured well for revival in credit demand.
                                                              was of price stability compared to output stability. India's
         Growth in deposit remains subdued which is consistent with
                                                              GDP growth declined from 9.7% in FY22 to 7% in FY
         the stance and tight monetary policy implemented by MPC.
                                                              23, primarily on account  of slowdown in Private  Final
         e) Inflation:                                        consumption  expenditure  (PFCE),  Government  Final
         During the  last  three  years, India  witnessed high and  Consumption Expenditure (GFCE), and Exports in goods
         stubborn inflation. The WPI inflation averaged around 13  and services. However, GDP is expected to recover to
         per cent between April 2021 to September 2022. The level  7.6% in FY 2023-24, supported by buoyancy in Gross
         being highest in over a decade, primarily on account of  Fixed Capital  Formation (GFC).
         lifting of Covid restrictions leading to opening of economies
         and Russia-Ukraine war. It has been historically observed  The quarterly released national income data more clearly
         that spikes in wholesale prices normally indicate "inflation  highlights  the  lagged  effect  of  tight  monetary  policy

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