Page 42 - Banking Finance October 2024
P. 42


          followed by an interest rate pause. The annualized quarterly  to credit growth, which is negatively impacting the bank
          GDP and GVA growth dipped from a high of 12.8% and  NIM's. In the initial stages of tightening credit growth was
          11.3% respectively in June quarter of FY23 to reach 4.3%  decelerating, but with pause and expectation of cut in policy
          and 4.8 % in the December quarter of the same year. This  rate it has again gained momentum.
          was followed by an economic revival from June quarter of
          FY24 as both GDP and GVA growth rebounded to 8.4%   RBI in a series of sudden and to front-load policy rate
          and 6.5% respectively in December quarter of FY24.  hiked it for a  cumulative  amount  of 250bps from May
                                                              2022 to February 2023 and paused the rates thereafter.
          Now the question arises that with economic growth expected  The main objective behind this action was to eliminate
          to be around 7% in FY25 with slowdown in global economy,  inflationary expectations thereby  preventing persistency
          it implies that demand on domestic front is likely to remain  in core inflation which was on account of consistent high
          strong. So, if inflation is cooling off by slowing demand  food and fuel  inflation. The approach to increase rates
          down on account of the current monetary policy, then next  quickly  and in  large  quantum adopted  by  majority  of
          year with declining demand how can GDP growth continue  central banks was to send a clear signal to the public and
          to be high? then how likely is that instead of declining,  market that they are committed to rein in inflation back
          inflation may rise again. It means that RBI is expecting that  to the target at a quick pace. This helped central banks
          the policy rate transmission is not yet complete, and it would  to improve their credibility as an inflation fighter, which
          take few months for it to work through various channels,  increases  their policy  effectiveness.
          which would result in decline in demand.
                                                              Our central banks tight monetary policy did impact the
          Conclusion:                                         economic parameters of inflation and growth, though with
                                                              a  lag.  Headline  CPI  and  core  inflation  moderated  to
          Central banks across the globe are majorly continuing with
                                                              below  6%  and  as  of  March  2024,  they  are  currently
          their tight monetary policy stance to bring inflation back to
                                                              hovering at 4.85% and 3.50 % respectively. A significant
          their respective targets. This act has also been complemented
                                                              role has been played by global monetary tightening in
          by the Governments across the world by taking steps to ease
                                                              moderation of inflation in India, especially WPI inflation
          the supply side pressure so as to arrest inflation arising from
                                                              which  is  currently  at  0.53%.  Our  GDP  growth  also
          high prices of commodities, food, and energy. Some of the
                                                              witnessed decline from 9.7% in FY22 to 7% in FY23,
          major central banks such as Federal Reserve, ECB, BoE
                                                              but it is expected to improve to 7.6% in FY24.
          have continued to pause their policy rates while indicating
          rate cuts which would be data dependent. BoJ has also
                                                              Advanced economies such as UK, Euro zone are showing
          abandoned its negative interest rate policy and first time in
                                                              signs of slowing economic  growth  as  an  after  effect  of
          last 17 years has increased the policy rates from -0.1 to
                                                              sharp  rise  in  the  policy  rates.  However,  inflation  still
          0.1% coupled with reduction in the amount of monthly
                                                              remains  above  the  2%  target,  and  the  last  leg  of
          quantitative  easing. This clearly  indicates that even the
                                                              disinflation process is expected to be slow and prolonged.
          Japanese central bank is on the path of hiking interest rate
                                                              However, US is the only developed  economy which is
          and quantitative tightening  which marks a shift from its
                                                              experiencing  sustained  economic  growth,  adequate
          decade long ultra -loose monetary policy.
                                                              employment  generation  and  declining  inflation.  The
          Interest rates on fresh rupee deposits rose by 259bps, in  current economic data has increased the likelihood of a
          comparison to rise in rates for fresh rupee loans in the tune  soft landing coupled with mild recession in CY2024.
          of 186bps. This clearly indicates that rate transmission to
          deposit market has been higher relative to the credit market.  References:
          The introduction of EBLR has significantly improved the
          monetary transmission of rates in Indian banking industry
          for loan pricing. However, the current monetary tightening
          phase has witnessed subdued deposit growth in comparison

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