Page 269 - Operations Strategy
P. 269

244 CHAPTER 7 • ImPRovEmEnT sTRATEgy
                           table 7.3  some typical partial measures of performance

                           Performance objective      Some typical measures
                           Quality                    Number of defects per unit
                                                      Level of customer complaints
                                                      Scrap level
                                                      Warranty claims
                                                      Mean time between failures
                                                      Customer satisfaction score
                           Speed                      Customer query time
                                                      Order lead-time
                                                      Frequency of delivery
                                                      Actual versus theoretical throughput time
                                                      Cycle time
                           Dependability              Percentage of orders delivered late
                                                      Average lateness of orders
                                                      Proportion of products in stock
                                                      Mean deviation from promised arrival
                                                      Schedule adherence
                           Flexibility                Time needed to develop new products/services
                                                      Range of products/services
                                                      Machine change-over time
                                                      Average batch size
                                                      Time to increase activity rate
                                                      Average capacity/maximum capacity
                                                      Time to change schedules
                           Cost                       Minimum delivery time/average delivery time
                                                      Variance against budget
                                                      Utilisation of resources
                                                      Labour productivity
                                                      Added value
                                                      Cost per operation hour

                           Figure 7.5 shows, any judgement regarding performance is very dependent on the basis
                           of comparing performance against targets.
                             An obvious basis for comparison involves using an historical standard. The graph in
                           Figure 7.5 shows that, when compared to last year’s performance of 60 per cent, this
                           month’s performance of 83 per cent is good. But, there again, with an average perfor-
                           mance last year of 69 per cent, the company is likely to have some kind of improvement
                           goal in mind that represents what is regarded as a reasonable level of improvement. So,
                           if the improvement goal was 95 per cent, the actual performance of 83 per cent looks
                           decidedly poor. The company may also be concerned with how it performs against com-
                           petitors’ performance. If competitors are currently averaging delivery performances of
                           around 75 per cent, the company’s performance looks rather good. Finally, the more
                           ambitious managers within the company may wish at least to try to seek perfection.
                           Why not, they argue, use an absolute performance standard of 100 per cent delivery on
                           time? Against this standard the company’s actual 83 per cent again looks disappointing.

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