Page 412 - Operations Strategy
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                     case study 3 • carglass : Building and sustaining a customer-centric organisation  387
                 exhibit 5a  Carglass ’s overall employee satisfaction scores
                 Year                     General satisfaction      Satisfied          Very satisfied
                 2003                           89%                  50%                   39%
                 2005                           94%                  56%                   38%
                 2007                           96%                  53%                   43%
                 2009                           96%                  40%                   56%
                 Source: Company information.

                 exhibit 5b  detailed employee satisfaction scores
                                                             2007            2008            2009
                 Overall opinion/general satisfaction        89%             94%             96%
                 Tools & equipment                           84%             90%             90%
                 Clarity of mission/strategy/goals           89%             90%             94%
                 Health & Safety                             75%             82%             96%
                 Clear personal objectives                   90%             88%             91%
                 Recognition                                 59%             61%             73%
                 Development                                 72%             72%             76%
                 Relationship with manager                   79%             73%             84%
                 Teamwork                                    93%             90%             95%
                 Pride                                       77%             87%             94%
                 Customer service                              –             92%             96%
                 Overall opinion/general satisfaction: ‘On the whole, I am satisfied to work for Carglass ’
                 Tools & equipment: ‘The needed suitable work material is available to do my work properly’
                 Clarity of mission/strategy/goals: ‘On the whole, I find myself in the Carglass  strategy’
                 Health & Safety: ‘The safety of the staff is a priority for the organisation’
                 Clear personal objectives: ’I have clear objectives and targets’
                 Recognition: ‘Thanks and recognition received’
                 Development: ‘Enough training possibilities, enough means to improve quality, possibilities to grow within the
                 Relationship with manager: ‘On the whole, I am satisfied with the cooperation with managers’
                 Teamwork: ‘On the whole I am satisfied with the cooperation with colleagues’
                 Pride: ‘I am proud to work for Carglass ’
                 Customer Service: ‘Carglass  does the maximum to improve customer service’
                 Source: Company information.
                             office of Carglass® is located). Through employer branding Carglass® hopes to reach
                             out to qualified technicians. When recruiting, Carglass® not only pays attention to the
                             technical skills of the applicant but also screens whether a candidate has the right ser-
                             vice attitude.

                             Customer satisfaction
                             A second element of The Carglass® Circle of Success is customer satisfaction. The com-
                             pany uses mystery shoppers to check whether the service that is provided is in line
                             what is promised. In addition, research company GfK Significant has done more than

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