Page 410 - Operations Strategy
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                     case study 3 • carglass : Building and sustaining a customer-centric organisation  385
                             exhibit 3  the Carglass  Circle of success


                                                     Employee          Shareholder
                                                    satisfaction       satisfaction

                             Source: Company information.

                             Exhibit 3) . While the concept is simple – satisfied employees lead to satisfied internal
                             and external customers, which in turn leads to satisfied shareholders – executing all
                             this is less straightforward.

                             organisational climate
                             According to CEO Jean-Paul Teyssen, the creation of the right organisational climate is
                             key to the creation of a high-performance organisation. Key elements of a stimulating
                             organisational climate are clarity on the organisational strategy, an organisation that
                             mobilises individual initiative, and a strong emphasis on team commitment . In turn,
                             the right organisational climate is shaped by appropriate management behaviour. Jean-
                             Paul Teyssen comments:
                               At Carglass® we work on both the leadership styles of our managers and on our organi-
                               sational climate. Like other companies from the Belron® Group, we use the international
                               consulting firm Hay Group to measure leadership styles and organisational climate across
                               the organisation. The leadership style survey measures the extent to which leaders draw upon
                               six core leadership behaviors. This leadership survey compares managers’ intentions with
                               their team members’ perceptions. The organisational climate survey (OCS) measures the
                               impact that leaders have on the work climate in their teams. It measures the extent to which
                               they engage and motivate their team members to give extra effort. The results of the OCS
                               provides a gap analysis of employees’ ideal working climate and the climate they actually
                               experience day-to-day. Based on the extent of the gaps, Hay distinguishes between four types
                               of organisational climate: high performance, energising, neutral, and demotivating.  We
                               have significantly improved our organisational climate. Our initial measurement in 2004
                               showed that none of our managers were high performance leaders, more than half were
                               demotivating. In 2008, we had 54 percent high performance leaders and only 15 percent
                               demotivating leaders.
                               All members of the Executive Team, the Management Team and the Middle Manage-
                             ment Team have to go through the assessment. For Carglass®, 35 people have partici-
                             pated in a 360-degree feedback program. These assessments are very confrontational as
                             they show – black on white – where the managers’ leadership strengths and weaknesses
                             lie. Managers are coached to improve their leadership skills by means of the ‘Together for
                             Better’ program, a program that started in 2005. The results of the program have been

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