Page 413 - Operations Strategy
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                388 case study 3 • carglass : Building and sustaining a customer-centric organisation
                           23,000 interviews with Carglass® customers in Belgium in 2009. GfK Significant not only
                           measures the general satisfaction of Carglass® customers, but also customer’s satisfac-
                           tion for nine different dimensions of the service experience, such as ease of contact,
                           friendliness, punctuality, quality, and so on. (Exhibits 6a and 6b provide an overview
                           of the customer satisfaction scores of Carglass® over the period 2007–09 and a more
                           detailed overview of the customer satisfaction survey.)
                             Carglass® measures customer satisfaction in the Customer Contact Center, in the
                           Customer Delight Centers and in the Customer Solution Center (where the company
                           deals with complaints). The company also measures the customer satisfaction of its
                           insurance, lease and fleet partners. And it extends its customer satisfaction program to
                           its internal departments. Support departments are measured on how well they perform
                           on their commitments.
                             Furthermore, the company has built a data warehouse and knowledge center that
                           analyses all the data and provides the departments with information on how to
                           improve their operations. By gathering all the information in one integrated system,
                           standardisation is possible throughout the Customer Contact Center and the various
                           Customer Delight Centers. All core processes are carefully described and documented,
                           which allows for more learning and continuous improvement. It also allows for more
                           flexibility as employees can move around the company more easily.

                           shareholder satisfaction

                           Shareholder satisfaction is the last block of The Carglass® Circle of Success. So far,
                           the financial results of Carglass® have been extraordinary. Revenues increased from
                           €69.5 million in 2000 to €168 million in 2009. During this entire period, revenues
                           more than doubled! Operating profits have increased from €3.2 million in 2000 to
                           €12.5 million in 2009. For more details on Carglass®’s financial figures, we refer to
                           Exhibit 7.

                           From measurement to motivation

                           Performance measurement and incentives
                           Carglass® is very serious about measuring its performance towards its customers,
                           employees and shareholders and has invested significantly to realise this. The company
                           continuously measures all dimensions of its performance for these different stakehold-
                           ers in line with the company’s philosophy: ‘From belief to knowledge. From knowledge
                           to improvement.’

               exhibit 6a  Carglass ’s overall customer satisfaction scores
                Year        % Overall Excellent  % Overall Good    % Overall Average   % Overall Poor
                2007              60.3               36.3                2.6                0.8
                2008              63.3               33.5                2.3                0.8

                2009              66.6               30.6                2.0                0.7
               Source: Company information.

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