Page 515 - Operations Strategy
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490 Index
purchasing and supply (continued) mitigation strategies 355
supply network dynamics 182–7 operations out of balance 352–3
instability in 186–7 prevention strategies 354
qualitative dynamics 184–6 pure and speculative risk 353–4
quantitative dynamics 182–4 recovery strategies 355–6
vertical integration in 166–71 in improvement 237
contrasting strategies 168–9 supply-related 190–4
do/buy analysis 169–70 Rolls-Royce in Singapore (example) 143
in-house or outsourced decision 167 Ryanair (example) 82–3
transaction cost economics 170
what it is 154–66 safeguards in contracting 173
dyads 156–8 sandcone theory 250–1
networks see networks in purchasing Savory Rosti-Crisps development at Dreddo
and supply Dan’s (case study) 401–4
triads 156–8 scalability and scale in process technology
pure and speculative risk 353–4 strategy 202–4
Schlumberger (example) 259–60
qualifiers 63, 65 service development see product/service
benefits from 66–7 development
criticisms of 67 service level in location of capacity 145–6
qualitative supply network dynamics 184–6 Shenkar, O. 264–5
quality shipping: economies of scale in (example) 129
in BPR 109 shortage gaming 187, 188
capacity strategy 121 short-term capacity decisions 123
designing-in 95 Singapore, Rolls-Royce in (example) 143
in in-house or outsourced decision 167 single-and double-loop learning 358–60
on investment in process technology 223 site suitability in location of capacity 145
in lean operations 104 Six Sigma 109–15
market requirements perspective on product/ criticisms of 113
service development 293, 297 elements of 110–13
operations strategy analysis and 287 lessons from 113
as performance objective 27, 56–7 in operations strategy 114
performance targets 242 what changes in 117
sandcone model of improvement 251 what it is 110
at source in TQM 94, 99 6Wunderkinder (example) 236
quantitative supply network dynamics 182–4 Slack, N. 21
Slagelse Industrial Services (case study) 466–8
racing car industries, clustered 147 smoothing demand and capacity
Rampaging robots (example) 227–8 change 136–8
Rana Plaza (example) 164–5 social bottom line (People) 51
rationing 187 Sodhi, M.S. 192
recovery strategies 355–6 Spangler, Murray (example) 285–6
Renault (example) 333–4 specialist drift out of focus 87
Rendall Graphics, Preston Plant (case study) speed
472–5 in BPR 109
re-shoring 149–50 capacity strategy 121
resource capabilities in operations strategy in in-house or outsourced decision 167
formulation 320–2 on investment in process technology 223
resource costs in location of capacity 147–8 in lean operations 104
resource-based view (RBV) of firm 18–24 market requirements perspective on product/
resources in process technology strategy 226–7 service development 293–4, 297
operational 224–5 operations strategy analysis and 287
tangible and intangible 226 as performance objective 27, 57
vulnerability of 229 performance targets 242
risks sandcone model of improvement 251
controlling in operations strategy 351–8 in TQM 99
adjustment cost risk 356 staff operations in strategy implementation
intervention risk 356–8 329–30
type I and type II errors 357–8 stakeholders
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