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Index   485

                               in lean operations 104              exploitation/exploration improvement
                               market requirements perspective on product/  operations 235–6
                                   service development 294–5, 297  external benchmarking 246
                               operations strategy analysis and 287  external effects of performance objectives 61–2
                               as performance objective 27
                               performance targets 242             facilitator as central function 332
                               sandcone model of improvement 251   failure costs 95
                               in TQM 99                           Ferdows, K. 250
                             deploy improvement operations 239–40  financial services, clustered 146–7
                             design evaluation in product/service   financial terms in process technology 220–1
                                   development 289                   life cycle costs 221–2
                             develop improvement operations 239–40   limitations on 222
                             development and organisation strategy 28  on market requirements 222–4
                             digital camera (example) 284            net present value 222
                             Digital Equipment Corporation 361     Fisher, M.C. 190
                             direct improvement operations 239–40  flexibility
                             direct process technology strategy 198–9  in BPR 109
                             direction setting in improvement        of capacity provision 132–3
                                   strategy 240–6                    capacity strategy 121
                             Disneyland Resort Paris (case study) 405–11  in in-house or outsourced decision 167
                             do/buy analysis 169–70                  in lean operations 104
                             Dow Corning (example) 311–12            market requirements perspective on product/
                             Dresding Medical (DM) (case study) 412–13    service development 295–6
                             Drucker, Peter 273                       incremental commitment 296
                             Dubai Terminal 3 47                      newspaper metaphor 295–6
                             Duhigg, C. 207                          operations strategy analysis and 287
                             dyads 156–8                             as performance objective 27, 59
                             Dyson, James (example) 285–6            performance targets 243
                                                                     in process technology strategy 210–11
                             economic bottom line (Profit) 52         on investment 224
                             economies of scale in 127–33            sandcone model of improvement 251
                             education and involvement in operations   in TQM 99
                                   strategy implementation 337     focused operations 80–7
                             efficient frontier in trade-offs of     benefits and risks of 86–7
                                   performance 76–7                  concept of 81–2
                             electronic marketplaces 178–9           drifting out of focus 87
                             EMI 360                                 as operations segmentation 81–2
                             energy costs in location of capacity 148  operation-within-an-operation concept 82
                             enterprise IT in process technology 213  types of 83–5
                             enterprise resource planning (ERP) 213–16  forecast demand and capacity strategy 123–4
                               criticisms of 215–16                Formula One (example) 265–6
                               lessons from 216                    formulation of operations strategy 309, 310–26
                               supply network ERP 215                alignment, role of see alignment
                               what it is 214–15                     analysis required 320–3
                             environmental bottom line (Planet) 51–52  capabilities 322–3
                             e-procurement 177–9                      market requirements 320
                             Eureka Knowledge Management System       resource capabilities 320–2
                                   (example) 259–60                  challenges to 323–4
                             European Foundation for Quality Management   completion of 324–6
                                   (EFQM) 97, 98                   four-stage model of developing market
                             excellence in operations strategy 2–9        capabilities 266–8
                               different operations 4–6            Foxconn (example) 61
                               levels of analysis 3–4              French, J.P.R. Jr. 334
                               networks 3–4                        function IT in process technology 213
                             excess capacity, change 139–40        functional benchmarking 246
                             ‘excess?’ zone on importance–performance   functional matrix structures for product/service
                                   matrix 249                             development 304
                             explicit knowledge 257                functional strategy model of operations 37–8

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