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486 Index

                           functional structures for product/service   incremental commitment in product/service
                                  development 304                       development 296
                           future of jobs 207–8                   indirect process technology strategy
                           Galvin, R. 200                         information networks as central function in
                           General Electric (GE) 110                    operations strategy 332–3
                           geographic focus 84                    information processing process technology
                           gig economy (example) 170–1                  strategy 199
                           Go figure (example) 205                information technology (IT) in process
                           Goold, Michael 350                           technology strategy 213–16
                           governor as central function in operations   infrastructural decision areas in operations
                                  strategy implementation 330–1         strategy 30–1
                                                                  in-house networks in product/service
                           Hagen Style (case study) 414–15              development 300–1
                           Hartford Building Society (case study) 416–21  in-house or outsourced decision 167
                           Hassabis, Dr. Demis 205                innovation
                           Hayes, R. 209, 266–8                    Henderson–Clark model 275–6
                           heart surgery: economies of scale in    relationship between design, creativity,
                                  (example) 129                         and 273–4
                           Heathrow Terminal 5 46–7                S-curve 274–5
                           Henderson–Clark model 275–6            innovator’s dilemma 362–3
                           high-tech industries, clustered 147    instability in supply networks 186–7
                           Hofstede, G. 343–5                     intangible resources in process technology
                           Hoover, William (example) 285–6              strategy 226
                           hotel chain: decision areas 31         Intel 314
                                                                   example 168–9
                           IBM 324                                internal benchmarking 246
                           Ideo: service design (case study) 422–40  internal customers and suppliers
                           IKEA (examples) 22–3, 296               in BPR 107
                           importance–performance mapping          in TQM 94
                             for improvement strategy 246–51      internal effects of performance
                             matrix for 247–50                          objectives 61–2
                           improve zone on importance–performance   international benchmarking 246
                                  matrix 248                      intervention risk 356–8
                           improvement                             type I and type II errors 357–8
                             in BPR 106–7                         investment, improvement by 237
                             enhanced in lean operation 101
                             of process in Six Sigma 113          jobs, future of 207–8
                             structured cycles in Six Sigma 111–12  Johnson, David 315
                             structured training in Six Sigma 112  Johnson, Dr. Mark 163
                             supporting 95                        just-in-time see lean operations
                           improvement cycles 238–9
                           improvement strategy 36, 233           Kaplan, R.S. 349
                             capabilities see capabilities        knowledge management 256–60
                             direction, setting 240–6              technologies 303
                              performance measurement 241–6       knowledge model 260–2
                             importance–performance mapping 246–51  combination 261–2
                              matrix for 247–50                    externalisation 261
                              sandcone theory 250–1                importance of 262–3
                             market capabilities, developing 263–8  internalisation 262
                              external ideas 264–6                 socialisation 261
                              four-stage model 266–8              Kodak (example) 284
                             operations improvement 233–40        Kroc, Ray 264–5
                              continuous and breakthrough 234–5,
                                  237–8                           labour costs in location of capacity 147
                              direct, develop, deploy 239–40      lagging demand and capacity change 136–8
                              exploitation or exploration 235–6   leading demand and capacity change 136–8
                              improvement cycles 238–9            lean health care (example) 105

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