Page 514 - Operations Strategy
P. 514
Index 489
Porter, Michael 318 product innovation for circular economy
preliminary design in product/service (example) 276
development 289 product–process matrix in process technology
Pret A Manger (example) 33 208–13
prevention strategies 354 flexibility/cost trade-off 210–11
price fluctuation 186, 188 moving down diagonal 210
probability improvement 237 trends 211–13
process benchmarking 245 product/service development 272–3
process capability and control in Six Sigma 112 as funnel 290–1
process change in product/service development innovation, design and creativity 273–6
281–4 Henderson–Clark model 275–6
process design in Six Sigma 112–13 innovation S-curve 274–5
process in operations strategy 24–5 market requirements perspective on 293–8
process knowledge 253–6 cost of 297–8
process, product/service development as dependability of 294–5, 297
284–93 flexibility of 295–6
concept generation 288 incremental commitment 296
concept screening 288 newspaper metaphor 295–6
design evaluation 289 quality of 293, 297
developing 290 speed of 293–4, 297
as operations strategy analysis 286 operations resource perspective on 298–306
preliminary design 289 development capacity 298–9
prototyping 290 networks 299–302
process requirements focus 85 uneven demand for 298–9
process technology strategy 28, 36, 196–7 organisation of 303–6
enterprise resource planning (ERP) 213–16 alternative structures 305–6
criticisms of 215–16 project-based structures 304–5
lessons from 216 as process 284–93
supply network ERP 215 concept generation 288
what it is 214–15 concept screening 288
evaluation of 217–30 design evaluation 289
acceptability 220–6 developing 290
in financial terms 220–2 as operations strategy analysis 286
market and resources 226–7 preliminary design 289
on market requirements 222–4 prototyping 290
on operational resources 224–5 and process change 281–4
on tangible and intangible resources 226 processes 278–81
feasibility 217–19 simultaneous development 292–3
financial requirements 219–20 specification focus 83
vulnerability 227–30 strategic importance of 36, 277–84
financial 229–30 technology for 302–3
of markets 228–9 project matrix structures for product/service
of resources 229 development 304
information technology in 213–16 project teams for product/service
product–process matrix 208–13 development 305
flexibility/cost trade-off 210–11 prototyping in product/service
moving down diagonal 210 development 290
trends 211–13 purchasing and supply strategy
volume and variety 202–8 36, 154
automation/analytical content 204–6 choice of arrangement 181–2
coupling/connectivity, degree of 206–7 contracting see contracting
scale and scalability 202–4 networks see under networks
what it is 197–202 risks 190–4
direct or indirect 198–9 categories 192–4
material, information and customer suppliers, managing 187–90
processing 199 co-ordination 187–8
strategy 199–200 differentiation 188–9
technology planning 200–2 reconfiguration 189–90
Z20 Operations Strategy 62492.indd 489 09/03/2017 14:48