Page 509 - Operations Strategy
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484 Index

                           capacity utilisation in lean operation 102  correspondence in operations strategy
                           capital availability 126–7                   formulation 326
                           capital cost of process technology 202–3  cost
                           Carglass® (case study) 379–92           in BPR 109
                           Carroll, Lewis 348                      capacity strategy 121
                           central functions in operations strategy   in-house or outsourced decision 167
                                  implementation 330–3             of investment in process technology 224
                             as curator 331                        in lean operations 104
                             as facilitator 332                    market requirements perspective on product/
                             as governor 330–1                          service development 297–8
                             and information networks 332–3        operations strategy analysis and 287
                             as trainer 332                        as performance objective 27, 59–61
                           Chase, R.B. 266                           reputational risks 61
                           Checklist Manifesto 255–6               performance targets 243
                           Chew, Bruce 356                         and quality in TQM 95, 99
                           Chopra, S. 192                          sandcone model of improvement 251
                           Christensen, C.M. 361–3                cost structure of capacity strategy 127
                           Clean and Green (CAG) recycling services   coupling in process technology strategy 206–7
                                  (example) 316–17                criticality in operations strategy 326
                           Clever consulting (case study) 393–4   culture of improvement 237
                           clusters, location of 146–7            curator as central function in operations
                           Coase, Ronald 170                            strategy 331
                           Coch, L. 334                           customer objectives in Six Sigma 110
                           co-development mode 335                customers
                           codification in contracting 172         demand triggers in lean operation 101
                           cognitive trust in contracting 175      needs and expectations in TQM 94
                           coherence in operations strategy 325–6  processing process technology 199
                           Collis, D.J. 322
                           communities of practice (CoPs) 258–9   Davenport, T. 106
                           community factors in location of capacity 148–9  de Meyer, A. 250
                           company-wide solutions, drifting out of focus 87  decision areas in operations strategy 27–31
                           competencies and improvement 237        capacity 28
                           competitive benchmarking 245            development and organisation 28
                           competitive factors in performance      process technology 28
                                  objectives 63, 65                structural and infrastructural 30–1
                             delights 65–6                         supply network 28
                             order-winners 63, 65                 decision points in BPR 107
                             qualifiers 63, 65                    Define, Measure, Analyse, Improve, Control
                           comprehensiveness in operations strategy 325  cycle 111–12
                           concept generation 288                 delights 65–7
                           concept screening 288                  delivery mode in operations strategy 335
                           confidence and involvement in operations   Dell Computers 314
                                  strategy implementation 336–7    change at (example) 319–20
                           connectivity in process technology 206–7  Delta Synthetic Fibres (DSF) (case study)
                           consultancy mode in operations strategy 335  395–400
                           content in operations strategy 25–31   demand and capacity change
                             decision areas 27–30                  future, uncertainty of 125
                             performance objectives 25–7           lagging demand 136–8
                           continuous improvement 234–5, 237–8     leading demand 136–8
                           contracting in purchasing and supply 172–81  smoothing 136–8
                             and contracts 172–3                  demand forecast updating 186, 188
                             e-procurement 177–9                  demand matching process technology 203
                              electronic marketplaces 178–9       Deming, W.E. 98
                             first/second/third/fourth party      dependability
                                  logistics 179–80                 in BPR 109
                           Cooper Bikes (example) 180–1            capacity strategy 121
                           corporate social responsibility (CSR) 49–50  in in-house or outsourced decision 167
                             and trade-offs in performance 79–80   investment in process technology 223

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