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                             6  Source: Microsoft website (2007).
                             7  Sources include: Financial Times (2016) ‘Amazon: control freak’, FT Print Edition, 17 May;
                                Jopson B. (2012) ‘Amazon from warehouse to powerhouse’, Financial Times, 8 July; The Econo-
                              mist (2006)‘Lifting the bonnet’, 7 October.
                             8  Barney, J. B., and Hesterly, W. S. (2010) ‘VRIO Framework’. In Strategic Management and Competi-
                              tive Advantage (pp. 68–86). New Jersey: Pearson.
                             9  In, Barney, J. B. (1995) ‘Looking Inside for Competitive Advantage’, Academy of Management
                              Executive, 9 (4), pp. 49–61.
                           10  For example, see Dyer, J.H. and Nobeoka, K. (2000) ‘Creating and managing a high per-
                              formance knowledge-sharing network: The Toyota Case’, Strategic Management Journal, 21,
                              pp. 345–367. Granovetter, M. S. (1973) ‘The strength of weak ties’, American Journal of Sociology,
                              78, pp. 1360–1380. Ireland, R.D., Hitt, M.A. and Vaidyanath, D. (2002) ‘Alliance management
                              as a source of competitive advantage’, Journal of Management, 8 (3), pp. 413–466.
                           11  Sources include: BBC News (2014) ‘Ikea sees record profit in 2013 as market share grows’, 28
                              January; The Economist (2012) ‘The secret of IKEA’s success, Lean operations, shrewd tax plan-
                              ning and tight control’, 24 February.
                           12  Sources include: Goodman M. (2011) ‘Pret Smile, it will pay for everyone’, Sunday Times, 6
                              March; Pret a manger website,
                           13  This is our analysis of the likely issues faced by Pret A Manger; it does not necessarily reflect
                              the company’s view.
                           14  Simon, Herbert (1957) Models of man. New York, NY: John Wiley and Sons.
                           15  Hayes, Wheelwright and Clark (1988) Dynamic Manufacturing. New York: Free Press, p. 242.
                           16  Alex Osterwalder (2005) ‘What is a business model?’, http://business-model-design.blogspot.
                           17  Based on the definitions developed by Cap Gemini.
                           18  Eccles T. (1994)  Succeeding with change: Implementing action-driven strategies. London:
                           19  MacLennon A. (2010) Strategy Execution: Translating strategy into action in complex organisations.
                              London: Routledge.

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