Page 5 - Modul Ajar
P. 5


                                                 (After  watching  the  two  videos  we
                                                 need  to  learn  how  to  use  an  ATM
                                                 mechine properly. So that we are not
                                                 deceived  and  laughed  at  by  others
                                                 when we make a mistake in using an
                                                 ATM machine)
                                                 (The  purpose  of  learning  prosedure
                                                 text is to help us in doing activity that
                                                 we have never done before correctly
                                                 and safely.)
                         b. Inti (65 menit)
                         1   BKOF             :  Guru     memperkenalkan        siswa  Siswa       menjawab
                                                 dengan  konteks  procedure  text  pertanyaan guru
                                                 yang akan dipelajari.                 (-  The  functions  of
                                                 (What  are the functions of an ATM  ATM  mechine  is  we
                                                 machine?                              can take money, sir.
                                                 Other than that?                      -   we    can    check
                                                 and other than that?)                 remaining balance,sir
                                                 (Okay, alright)                       -  and  transfer  money,
                                                 (Do  you  know  how  to  use  ATM  sir)
                                                 mechine properly?)                    (No sir)
                                                                                       (To inform and to help
                                                 Guru  menanyakan  fungsi  sosial  us  how  to  use  ATM
                                                 belajar procedure text                mechine properly)
                                                 (Okay,  so  why  do  we  need  to  learn  (The  vocabullary  for
                                                 steps to use an ATM mechine?)         the  first  picture  is
                                                                                       insert  ATM  card  to
                                                 (Okay  good  answer.  So  procedure  ATM mechine, sir.
                                                 text  to  give  information  how  to  do  For the second picture
                                                 something properly)                   maybe take money, sir.
                                                                                       For  the  last  picture
                                                 Guru membangun kosa kata baru  take  ATM  card  and
                                                 siswa terkait materi prosedure teks  recipe sir.
                                                 yang diajarakan.                      Hmm,       we     need
                                                 (Okay student next we need to know  conjuction  to  connect
                                                 the vocabullary which often appears  one activity to another,
                                                 in a text procedure.                  sir
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