Page 7 - Modul Ajar
P. 7
sesuai dengan gaya belajar tentang cara menarik
siswanya, tentang cara menarik uang di mesin ATM
uang di mesin ATM melalui
proyektor-LCD: Siswa menjawab
pertanyaan guru
Siswa Visual (The text is about how
to withdraw money properly at ATM
on/d/1PFWlP7Pf1WxcuM-Fes-z- mechine)
onVPYN2iV9d/edit?usp=sharing&ou (We need debit card)
id=104972044706550494455&rtpof (- First, insert debit
=true&sd=true card into the ATM
- next select the
Siswa Audio languange - next enter our PIN
on/d/1PFWlP7Pf1WxcuM-Fes-z- - next withdraw the
onVPYN2iV9d/edit?usp=sharing&ou money
id=104972044706550494455&rtpof - next choose saving
=true&sd=true account, and wait for a
minute until our
money come.
- next take the money
Siswa Kinentetik - last, take ATM card
and recipe) (hmm, the procedure
AxWMRx3FAOonWZ6dTqADs3N4x text have 3 generic
O_TPZH/view?usp=drivesdk structure like
- Goals
- Materials
- Steps)
Guru menanyakan generic (The language features
structure dari procedure text in procedure text is:
(Okay, after you see the multimodal - Using imperative
text. verb such as
What is the text about?) take,insert)
(What is the preparation in using - Using simple
ATM?) present tense
(- What will you do to withdraw - Using conjuction
money from ATM? like next
- After we insert debit card into the - Using adverbs:
ATM, what will we do next? wait for a minute)
- After that, what will we do next?
- after that, what will we do next
- after that, what will we do next ?
- after that, what will we do next?
- and lastly, what wiil we do?)
Okay after you know about the goals,
the material that we need, and how to
withdraw the money at ATM