Page 18 - 0611_雲林廠商手冊內頁送印
P. 18
Hu Wu
由誠商憨吉企業社自 2016 年創立的「虎屋」是地瓜精 Founded in 2016 by Han-ji Cheng Co., 'Hu Wu' was
緻糕點的創始者,已經連續兩年入選雲林十大伴手禮, the first brand to make sweet potato delicacies.
商品的通路有自營門市、遠東百貨、官網等,受到消 Chosen as Yunlin's Best 10 Local Specialties
費者的肯定與喜愛。希望跟更多通路配合,藉此讓消 consecutively for 2 years, it is loved and welcomed
費者方便購買到優質的地瓜商品。 by customers from Far Eastern Department Store
and Hu Wu's own website and stores. Hu Wu is
looking forward to broadening its distribution
channel to bring high quality sweet potato products
to everyone.
632 雲林縣虎尾鎮自強街 147 號
No.147, Ziqiang St., Huwei Township, Yunlin County 632, Taiwan (R.O.C.)
+886-5-6328835 +886-5-6326870
@ථ؍˓̅ʫ˖ JOEE ɨʹ