Page 21 - 0611_雲林廠商手冊內頁送印
P. 21


                                         Le Riz

                           樂米工坊位於雲林,雲林的濁水溪米名聞遐邇,一間                     Le Riz is located in Yulin County where the famous
                           原先是米廠,到第三代接手後就將米的原素加入烘培                     Jhuoshuei River Rice is popularly known. Le Riz was
                           裡,經過研發約 3 年之久和經過日本的技術交流,於                   originally a rice mill until the third generation owner
                           100 年 9 月成立了樂米工坊,將原本碾米廠舊有的磨                 took over the management where its rice products
                           粉技術和烘焙的技術做結合,打造一個以在地食材和                     are integrated into the world of bakery. After three
                           健康養生概念為出發點的獨一無二的烘焙觀光故事屋,                    years of research and development and technical
                           讓米烘焙成為只有雲林才有的米烘焙伴手禮。                        exchanges  from  Japan,  Le  Riz  is  founded  in
                                                                       September 2011. It combined the original rice mill
                                                                       technology with the innovative baking techniques
                                                                       to create a second-to-none baking story house that
                                                                       produces healthy and nutritious products made
                                                                       with local ingredients. This allows only Yulin County
                                                                       to be the only place with rice-bakery as its unique
                                                                       baking souvenir in Taiwan.

                               633 雲林縣土庫鎮建國路 35 巷 3 號
                               No.3, Ln. 35, Jianguo Rd., Tuku Township, Yunlin County 633, Taiwan (R.O.C.)
                               +886-5-6626009   +886-5-6621772


              @ථ؍˓̅ʫ˖ JOEE                                                                                                    ɨʹ
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