Page 20 - 0611_雲林廠商手冊內頁送印
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                                        Jen-Green Agri Biotech Co., Ltd.

                         「盈盈農圃」位於雲林縣古坑鄉海拔 1300 公尺高山。                  Yinyin Grange' is located on the high mountains of
                         天然,無汙染,空氣清新,水源純淨,氣候得宜,擁                      Gukeng Township, Yunlin. 1300 meters high, natural,
                         有菇菌與茶葉最得天獨厚的栽培環境,依循傳統繁複                      pollution-free fresh air, clean water and the gentle
                         工法栽培種植,以手工柴燒方式烘焙,保留最原始與                      weather are all perfect elements for mushrooms
                         傳統的古早風味。                                     and tea trees. Planted with intricate traditional
                                                                      techniques and baked with wood-fire kilns, the
                                                                      original taste is reserved. "Follow the tradition,
                         環境復育, 對產品嚴格把關,堅持不使用農藥、化肥、
                                                                      get back to the nature," we strive to conserve the
                                                                      natural environment while monitoring the quality
                         天然有機 100% 的新鮮健康食材直接從產地運送到餐
                                                                      of our products strictly; we insist on not using
                                                                      pesticides, chemical fertilizers or herbicides; all our
                                                                      products are certified as organic by National Chung
                                                                      Hsing University and are delivered straight to your
                                                                      dinner table from our farms, letting our customers
                                                                      eat without worries and recall the nostalgic taste in
                                                                      your memories.

                              646 雲林縣古坑鄉草嶺村 78 號
                              No.78, Caoling, Gukeng Township, Yunlin County 646, Taiwan (R.O.C.)
                              +886-5-5831556/ 0937-367-036   +886-5-5863636


              @ථ؍˓̅ʫ˖ JOEE                                                                                                    ɨʹ
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