Page 25 - 0611_雲林廠商手冊內頁送印
P. 25
Kou fu International Aquatic Products Co., Ltd.
我們的產品來自於雲林縣口湖,充滿人情味的鄉下, Our products come from Kouhu Township, Yunlin
道地實在的好味道,產品從製作到完程,完全兼具傳 County, where the countryside is full of human
統及衛生的製作方式。 touch. The flavor is authentic and real. From
producing to finishing, the products are made in a
way that is both traditional and hygienic.
我們的印象更深刻,希望你們可以品嚐到我們用心、 Kouhu Township, Yunlin County is the land of
努力所呈現出來的優質產品,完全不添加任何人工色 karasumi. Among all the karasumi brands, we hope
素以及防腐劑,完全採自天然而形成,口福烏魚子在 to attract and impress our customers with different
每年比賽中均得到優良評價進而拿獎,為將產品提升, flavors that were diligently and industriously
已製作產銷履歷及 HACCP 認證,是值得你們安心食用 presented by us. There is no artificial color and
的產品。 preservative in our products. They are formed
completely in nature. Kou fu karasumi has obtained
good evaluation and won the prize in every year’s
competition. To improve the products, we have
made the traceability and HACCP authentication.
The customers are assured with great flavor and
雲林縣口湖鄉港東村慈愛路 5 號
No.5, Ci’ai Rd., Kouhu Township, Yunlin County 65344, Taiwan (R.O.C.)
+886-5-7972101 +886-5-7972801
@ථ؍˓̅ʫ˖ JOEE ɨʹ