Page 22 - 0611_雲林廠商手冊內頁送印
P. 22

                                        Huwei Association of Farm Production & Bio-tech Yunlin County Taiwan ROC

                         想要做出美食佳餚,油很重要、想要養生吃清淡,油                      Oil is a crucial element of tasty dishes, and it is even
                         更重要,香醇濃郁純苦茶油、麻油、給您百分百的健                      more important for a healthy diet; the mellowness
                         康。                                           and richness of pure camellia oil and sesame oil
                                                                      guarantees 100% of healthiness.
                         食用油及相關產品,希望給消費者耳目一新、跳脫刻                      Kowei Enterprise has gathered many professionals'
                         版印象的感覺,也讓消費者有更多純天然的產品做選                      ability to produce excellent and refined cooking
                         擇,在食用上更為安心,認知油不是只有料理,還有                      oils and its related products. We hope to give our
                         其他的用途,送人自用兩相宜。                               consumers a fresh look while escaping from any
                                                                      stereotypical views in order for them to have more
                                                                      choices of natural products. In addition to safety
                                                                      eating, we believe in cooking oils are not only for
                                                                      cuisine, but also for other purposes, for example,
                                                                      gifts for yourself, friends and family.
                                                                      Product names: Kowei Camellia Oil, Kowei Sesame
                                                                      Oil, Ginger Camellia Oil.

                              632 雲林縣虎尾鎮中溪里溪埔 50 號
                              No.50, Xipu, Jhongsi Village Huwei Township, Yunlin County 632, Taiwan (R.O.C.)
                              +886-5-6222630   +886-5-6223201


              @ථ؍˓̅ʫ˖ JOEE                                                                                                    ɨʹ
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