P. 14

nothing. Therefore, while you should dream big, it is important to plan
                       small. Break down your big goals into smaller ones and then tackle them
                       individually. When it is broken down into achievable phases, it feels
                       more manageable and you are more likely to keep moving ahead. If you
                       want to run a marathon, you would start with a goal of running 10k,
                       rather than just focusing on the entire 26.2 to start. Then ensure you
                       celebrate  each  milestone  along  the  way.  This  will  help  keep  you
                       working hard and motivated.

                       3.  BELIEVE IT:

                          To achieve a big dream you need to believe in it yourself. It sounds
                       simple, but so many people pursue a dream they feel is too big for them
                       or is just unachievable. The very first step to achieving your big dream
                       believes that it is possible.

                       4.  TRACK YOUR PROGRESS:

                           When working towards a goal, it is important to have regular checks
                       to see how you are progressing. If you are not tracking well, it is time to
                       reassess and see what you can do to keep improving and succeeding. If
                       you are not where you want to be, that is okay too. Sometimes things
                       are not as easy as we expect and it just needs a little more hard work to
                       get ahead.

                       5.  TAKE DAILY ACTIONS:

                          Dreaming is nothing without action. Take daily actions to turn your
                       big dream into reality. No matter how small, every action you take gets
                       you one step closer to your big dream, and every day you take action
                       you  build  momentum.  A  small  action  every  day  might  not  feel
                       significant at the time, but over time, little things add up. Just imagine
                       what you could achieve in a year if you did one small thing every single
                       day to move toward your big dream!

                       6.  GET MOTIVATED:

                          When working towards a big goal or dream, it is important to stay
                       motivated every day. Motivation does not always come constantly or
                       easily, so I find writing down your ‘why’ and practicing visualizations
                       of how you will feel once you reach your goal are both awesome tools
                       to help with motivation.

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