P. 19


                               Looking for a misplaced item exudes time, stress, and energy.
                          Have a designated place for everything so that when you need it,
                          you know exactly where it is.

                          5.  MULTITASK MIND:

                               For times when you have to run errands or even just leave the
                          room for something, double up and do several things in one trip. If
                          you need to go pay a bill, go pay it and stop at the store on the way
                          back to pick up the gallon of milk you need. When you get up to use
                          the restroom, check the room. Is there anything that needs to be put
                          away? Take it with you.

                          6.  PENDING PLACE:
                              There are always things that come up but you do not have the
                          time or ability to deal with on the spot. Designate a specific place
                          for these things. Use a file, a box, a shelf, or whatever works but
                          keep it in the same place so it does not distract you from the task or
                          waste time looking for it when you are ready to deal with it. This is
                          something you need for both works and at home.
                          7.  TWO THINGS:
                              To avoid out of control situations, pick two things every day to
                          get  rid  of,  or  eliminate.  If  you  have  an  empty  box  sitting  in  the
                          corner, break it down and throw it in the recyclables.  If  you are
                          trying to cut down on soda, have half the amount you usually have.

                          8.   PLANS OF ACTIONS:
                              You need a plan or a system for everything.
                          By  creating  systems,  manuals,  plans  of  action,  and  systematic
                          processes for as many aspects of your work as possible, it enables
                          you to easily repeat processes. This frees up your brain, which in
                          turn deters stress and promotes creativity.

                       I hope this step helps you to improve organized planning.

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