P. 22
You stand up straight, smile, move quickly and confidently, and in
every respect act as if you already had the courage that you desire.
Ought our lives.
5. Charge Your Visualizations with Powerful Positive Emotions
Take this affirmation for example:
“I am so happy and grateful now that I am a New York Times bestselling
When you include a positive emotion in the statement – such as happiness
or gratitude – you open yourself to experiencing that emotion in your body,
giving your affirmation far more impact.
Just as the emotion of fear can paralyze you, intense positive emotions can
motivate you toward greater success.
6. Be Realistic About Risk
A practical – and often overlooked – a strategy for overcoming fear is
to make sure you are not risking more than you can afford to lose.
To grow and achieve greater success, you have to risk something. Just
make sure that you can bear the loss if you do not succeed the first time.
My advice is to begin by taking on smaller challenges and work your way
If you want to start, your business but you need a guaranteed
income each month to pay your mortgage and stay out of debt, maybe run
your business as a side gig until you have enough clients to quit your job
for good.
If you are starting your first job in sales, call on prospects or
customers who will be the easiest to sell to. If you are eager to take on new
responsibilities at work, start by asking to do parts of a project you are
interested in.
If you want to run a marathon, start slowly with a simple “couch to
5K” app. Master the skills you need to learn, move through your fears, and
then take on bigger challenges.
7. Celebrate Your Successes
You have overcome countless fears to become the person you are
today, whether it was learning to ride a bike, driving a car, or kissing