Page 257 - Fingerprints of the Gods by Graham Hancock
P. 257


                          Churning  the Milky Ocean, one  of  the several ‘thought  tools’ for
                          precession encountered in ancient myths.
                     The same may be true of Java’s famous temple of Borobudur, with its
                   72 bell-shaped stupas, and perhaps also of the megaliths of Baalbeck in
                   the Lebanon—which are thought to be the world’s biggest blocks of cut
                   stone. Long predating Roman and Greek structures on the site, the three
                   that make up the so-called ‘Trilithion’ are as tall as five-storey buildings
                   and weigh over 600 tons each. A fourth megalith is almost 80 feet in
                   length and weighs 1100 tons. Amazingly these giant blocks were cut,
                   perfectly-shaped and somehow transported to Baalbeck from a quarry
                   several miles away. In addition they  were skillfully incorporated, at  a
                   considerable height above ground-level into the retaining walls of a
                   magnificient temple. This temple was surrounded by 54 columns of
                   immense size and height.

                   15  See, for example, Feats and Wisdom of the Ancients, Time-Life Books, 1990, p. 65.

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