Page 210 - Media&Information Literacy - Good Practices
P. 210
Learning through play is usually associated with media education for pre-school
and primary school aged children, whereas game-based learning has been primarily
used with youth. Game-based learning is a form of learning through play, which
carries characteristics of games (e.g. video games, board and card games). Media
literacy learning outcomes of game-based learning can therefore be more
prescribed and specific.
There are several types of games that are considered to be effective in increasing
knowledge and
cognitive skills:
- games in which ideas, characters, topics, and messages could be personalized;
- games with oral instead of written explanations;
- games with corrective feedback, modelling problem-solving processes and
stimulating students’ reflection and collaborative work.
NB! In terms of media literacy, game-based learning can therefore effectively
nurture analytical and reflective skills. Furthermore, when students act as
producers of games, their creative and production media literacy skills and
knowledge can be also developed and improved.