Page 21 - PH_Masonry_Final_Ver 1_July 2020
P. 21

King  Closers:  It is obtained by cutting the triangular piece
              between the center of one end and the center of the other
              side. It has half header and half stretcher face.

              Bevelled  closers:  It is a special form of a king closer in
              which  the  whole  length  of  the  brick  is  bevelled  in  such  a
              way that half width is maintained at one end and full width
              is maintained at other end.

              Mitered closers: It is a portion of a brick whose one end is
              cut  splayed  or  mitered  for  full  width.  The  angle  of  splay
              may vary from 45  to 60 .

              Bat:  It  is  a  portion  of  a  brick  cut  across the  width. If the
              length of brick is half the length of original brick it is known
              as half bat. A quarter or three quarter bat is the one having
              its length equal to half or three quarter of the length of full
              brick respectively

                      Full Brick                    Three Quarter Bat                  Bevelled Closer

         Participant Handbook : Masonry                                                                       21
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