Page 22 - PH_Masonry_Final_Ver 1_July 2020
P. 22
Types of bricks:
In market there are several different types of bricks available and being used by construction in-
dustries. The classification of bricks depends on the material & method used in making those dif-
ferent kinds of bricks.
1. Wire Cut Bricks:
Also called extruded bricks, are made by
forcing a column of clay through a series of
wires to cut the shapes. The holes reduce the
amount of clay used, making them cheaper,
lighter and help key in the mortar bed.
Common Burnt Clay Bricks:
Clay bricks are fired bricks. These are formed by pressing in moulds.
Then these bricks are dried and fired in a kiln. This type of brick is
currently one of the most popular. They are lower quality, without
special finishes, making them cheaper, and are used where they‘re not
visible. When these bricks are used in walls, they require plastering or
Concrete brick:
Made from sand, crushed rock, water,
and about 15 percent by weight of
ordinary Portland cement he same
types of materials as standard con-
crete— concrete brick can have strength and density similar to
fired clay brick. Concrete brick is made in various colors, using
either gray or white portland cement. Pigmenting is generally achieved with mineral oxides.
Fly ash bricks:
When coal is burned, approximately 5 to 10 % of it is turned into ash.
Fly ash is a lighter ash product that would ‗fly‘ away if not captured.
Fly ash brick (FAB) is a composite of non-clay materials, a high per-
centage of which is fly ash.
Sand lime bricks:
Sand lime bricks are made by mixing sand, fly ash and lime followed by a chemical process dur-
ing wet mixing. The mix is then molded under pressure forming the brick. These bricks come in a
Participant Handbook : Masonry 22