Page 24 - PH_Masonry_Final_Ver 1_July 2020
P. 24
Construction aggregate:
A building material which is mixed with an adhesive such as cement to make concrete and mor-
tar. Fine aggregate, usually sand or crushed stone, is used for smaller structural members where
a smooth surface is required; coarse aggregate, such as pebbles or small angular stones, for
larger members.
Fine Aggregates
Course Aggregates
Aggregates are produced for a number of reasons:
Concrete aggregates,
Road base and coverings
Construction fill,
Concrete products, such as blocks, bricks, pipes, etc.,
Plaster and gunite (a mixture of cement, sand or crushed slag, and water, sprayed over rein-
forcement as a lightweight concrete construction) sands,
Railroad ballast,
Roofing granules,
Other miscellaneous uses.
Fine Aggregates consist of particles smaller than 4.75mm usually sand or crushed
Coarse Aggregates are those with particle sizes larger than 4.75mm
Aggregates make up 60% to 80% of the concrete volume
Participant Handbook : Masonry 24