Page 12 - MGG - Venue Audit
P. 12


                    The Tulfarris golf operations team currently consists of one full-time team member (Norma) plus two part-
                    timers (Dave and Tommy). In addition to this, the club has access to a sales specialist for specific tasks
                    on-off tasks and a PGA Professional who is responsible for coaching.

                    The current pro-shop opening hours are:
                    o      Winter 8:30am to 4:30pm
                    o      Summer 8:00am to 6:00pm

                    The pro-shop opening hours are covered predominately by Norma who consistently works Thursday to
                    Monday each week. Dave covers Tuesday and Wednesday’s. This means there is no overlap in staff, and
                    there is only one golf operations team member on-site at a time. Tommy currently, looks after maintaining
                    the facility surrounds, driving range, buggy maintenance and some course ranger duties.

                    Staff ensure they are onsite for the first tee time, which can lead to earlier opening hours. The closing time
                    can also be dictated by the number of customers around the premises in the evening.

                    Major events and busy periods can take a toll on staff due to the hours involved in preparation and delivery
                    by a small team which can lead to other duties not being actioned or postponed. From April onwards, the
                    team can only focus on operational tasks leading to a drop in sales-related tasks and potential missed

                    Overall feedback from staff indicate that rostering and the opening hours are stretched, and an ongoing
                    review is required to monitor and fully assess over the coming months.

                    The opening of the new pro-shop facility has been a huge improvement to the resort; however, this also
                    creates an expectation of increased levels of service. There have been no changes to the staff structure
                    or opening hours since the move to the new location. During busy periods there is a risk that too much
                    demand is placed on the existing staff which will affect the level of service to customers and missed sales

                    In particular, with regards to missed sales opportunities, there is an alarming number of phone messages
                    at the end of busy days, each of these calls is potential revenue generators. Also, if the retail offering within
                    the venue is improved, time will need to be spent with customers to complete the sales process and upsell,
                    which at present would not be possible during busy periods. Finally, closing early could also be resulting in
                    lost evening green fees during the summer months.

                    While the operational side of running the golf club is of utmost importance, the sales focus needs to be
                    improved. While My Golf Group will concentrate on driving potential business to Tulfarris the success of
                    these will rely on golf operations team on a day to day basis.   We must note that Norma is a very capable
                    member of staff and a serious asset to the golf club.

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