Page 1 - OCT 2018 The Castle Pines Connection proof 2
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Volume 10, Number 10
Honoring the sacri ce of  rst responders
Article and photos by Lynn Zahorik
Pino’s Italian Kitchen & Bar was over owing with pride and patriotism as Castle Pines came out to support Pino’s Eat for a Cause 9/11. The fundraiser was a heart warming occasion which bene ted the families of fallen  rst responders. Lives were remembered and celebrated, while an abundance of personal stories were
shared of memories of September 11, 2001.
“Never forget” was the resounding sentiment at Pino’s Kitchen and Bar on September 11. More
than 400 people, including chiefs and o cers
from Franktown, South Metro and Arvada  re departments came out in support of Pino’s Eat
for a Cause 9/11 fundraiser. Gathered together
in solidarity, attendees re ected on the 17th anniversary of 9/11 over  ne Italian food and
wine. Pino’s owner, Joseph Sabia, spoke to the community about the ongoing health challenges for 9/11  rst responders. A long standing tradition at  re ghters’ funerals, the Colorado Emerald Society Bagpipers paid tribute to those departed and all those su ering, with a hauntingly beautiful performance of “Amazing Grace.”
More than $7,500 was raised to help those in need through a charity wine pull, a silent auction of donated  re department-related items and 10 percent of Pino’s dining proceeds that day. The funds collected will support the Stephen Siller Foundation “Tunnel to Towers.” This nonpro t organization provides signi cant  nancial support in the form
of trust accounts and mortgage payo s
to those survived by  rst responders who have lost their lives in the line of duty. The connection to this foundation is heartfelt for Sabia.
Joseph Sabia was in his 16th year of his
30 years as a volunteer  remen for the Commack Fire Department on Long Island when the north tower fell on 9/11. He was one of the thousands of  rst responders who assisted the Fire Department of New York with rescue operations. Sabia lost 343 of his fellow  ghters at Ground Zero that day. One of Joe’s dear friends and fellow  re  ghters, Chris Raguso, recently lost
his life in Iraq protecting our freedom. A  re ghter and member of the Air National Guard, Chris had made it a life mission to prevent 9/11 from happening again. Tunnel to Towers has assisted his grieving family with  nancial and spiritual support so that his family has the chance of rebuilding.
(Continued on page 18)
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October 2018
Daniels Park Fence
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