Page 64 - Libro 2
P. 64
Iatrogenic Injury
Iatrogenic injury is defined as any adverse patient condition that is induced inadvertently by a health care provider in the course of a diagnostic proce- dure or therapeutic intervention. Iatrogenic inju- ry to the carotid artery can occur during catheter
Figure 4-10 A: A common carotid artery dissection illustrat- ing color flow variations within both the true and false lumens. B: Sagittal B-mode image of the distal common carotid artery illustrating an intraluminal defect (arrow). C: Transverse B-mode image across the carotid bifurcation with the dissected lumen (arrow) visible within the internal carotid artery.
interventions or venous line placement. An inadver- tent puncture of the carotid artery has the potential to cause a pseudoaneurysm at the puncture site, an arteriovenous fistula between the CCA and the in- ternal jugular or external jugular veins, or intimal dissection (Fig. 4-12A,B). Intraluminal arterial injury can be caused by instrumentation with catheters and
Figure4-11 B-modeandcolorDopplerimagesofsoftlyechogenicmaterialwithinthelumenofthecarotidartery.A:Duplexultrasound findings in conjunction with patient history indicate carotid artery partial thrombosis. B: Findings indicate soft homogenous plaque.