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                                     Dr S K Das                                                             W E L C O M E   M E S S A G E
                             Principal, TTI

                                                                                            Dear Reader,

                                                                                                   I  feel  delighted  to  write  this  message  for  the

                                                                                            “TTI  Takatpur  Human  Impact  Stories’  (Vol-1).   This

                                                                                            is  a  compilation  of  eight  true  stories  of  our  students,

                                                                                            whose life were transformed from darkness to light af-
                                                                                            ter going through the skill training at TTI. The impact

                                                                                            of  skill  training  has  made  all  good  things  to  happen  in

                                                                                            their  life  which  they  revealed  while  discussing  with
        Mr P C Naik, T. O                      Mr P K Mallik, T. O.
                                                                                            them. Each story has it’s own emotions and twists which

                                                                                            had happened in the life of the students within a short
                                                                                            span of life during their adolescence. They depict, how a

                                                                                            naughty  curious  boy  was  transformed  to  a  responsible

                                                                                            citizen, who became the epicenter & financial backbone

                                                                                            of his family.

                                                                                                   I urge all to read & feel these memorable stories

                                                                                            and wish my boys a great future ahead.
                                                                                                   My sincere thanks to team TTI all Training offic-

      Mr M B Pradhan                             Mr Swagat Sahoo                            ers,  ATO  and  especially  my  change  leaders  who  had
      CL, TTI                                    CL, TTI
                                                                                            made this a reality and presented before you all.

                                                                                                   With Best wishes

                                                                                                                                              Dr. Subhanga Kishore

                                                                                                                                                 Principal,      TTI,

                                                                                            TTI, Takatpur … The perfect blend of Technology &
                              Mrs Pooja Saha
                              CL, TTI

                                          THANK YOU

           TTI Takatpur, Baripada, Mayurbhanj
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