P. 4
Tapan Kumar Dalai
(Electronics Mechanic) (2015-17)
His journey begins from a rural village of Odisha
It took 32 attempts to
clear my first written called Asankhali of Rasgovindpur, which is a
exam. Yet failed in backward area detached from the rest of the modern
nine more viva test world. We are living in a world where one’s economic
to crack a job. But
struggle still not conditions decide successful career for many
ended. students, Tapan Kumar Dalai decides to fight against
his fate and got success.
Tapan, hailing from a very poor family, which includes
his father a Diabetic patient and a mother with heart
A family whose struggle starts with sunrise but never
The boy once slept ends with sunset. A family which struggles for
on Delhi platform,
Became a arranging its daily bread and butter, is also burdened
Technician in Delhi with huge medical expenses. Tapan has also a
Metro. younger brother who studied in school. Being eldest
son of the family Tapan decide to take the charge of
“Prabha mam gave his family at a very early age.
books for preparing After passed out from High school Tapan got
competitive exam. admission in a local college. There he found some of
Got the moral
support From Samit his classmate who already did ITI and also appeared
sir and my friend several competitive exams. Tapan asked them how
Niranjan”. could they got the eligibility, to appear. They said, they
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