P. 9

                                               Gopabandhu Mandal
                                                      Welder (2018-19)

                                                       It’s  a  Day  time,  somewhere  in  the  river  bank  side
                                                       village  of  Odisha,  people  gathered  around  a  dead
                          The name justifys its        body  of  women.  A  four-year-old  boy  staring  at  the
                             meaning in life.
                                                       dead body and asking his father what happened to
                            HIS story @ TTI            her  mother??  Why  isn't  she  replying  to  him??  He
                                                       called  his mother  “Maa,  Maa” but disappointed.  He
                                                       had no idea why everyone of his family were crying.

                                                       So  he  also  cryied,.  His  father  said  to  him  that,  his
                           “In Oct 2019 I got a        mother is dead and will never come back. They took
                              message in my            them to the funeral ceremony, and that 4 yrs old boy
                              mob of getting
                            selected in Suzuki         Gopabandhu was running behind them. In His word
                             Motors, Gujurat.          “I still remember I did not want to leave my mother
                            The Best moment            alone  on the  crematorium field,  my  father forcefully
                                 of my life”
                                                       took  me  to  the  home.  I  cried  and  cried,  on  that
                                                       afternoon until my father gave me a pair of red shoes,
                            Gopabandhu likes
                          sports very much. In         which I wore & walked with my grandpa in the village
                                ITI he was             road.”
                              participating in         Gopandhu Mandal, a 21-year-old young man reside
                               annual sports
                             actively. He is a         from  a  village  named  Kudia,  A  rural  village  of
                              Good Kabbadi             Baleswar  District,  Odisha.  where  most  of  the
                                   player.             residents are below the poverty line, where the

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