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literacy rate is far lower than the other side of the country. As they called us the third
world, what will be the narration to describe this area in the world map!!?
Just within a year after losing his mother he lost his grandpa in age-related disease.
In his word “I have lost a friend with whom I played every day, I miss my grandpa”.
Gopabandhu lived with a younger brother, grandma along with his uncle and father.
As he belongs to a certain community that had heretic profession of making bamboo
wavering, his family do bamboo handicraft as a heretic work to maintain his family
needs. Whose demand in the market gets decreased day by day and it was hard to
maintain the family basic needs. His father got married to another woman. In his
word “when her Bou cames to home he felt like getting his mother back. She took
care of them even more than his mother”. But his fate turned against when his father
fell down from a tree and got his backbone fractured. Now they struggle to earn their
bread and butter. He decides to help his father in making bamboo craft at a very
little age.
Wheel of Life moved, Gopabandhu got admission into High school. Where he met
his math Teacher, Mr. Susant Jena. Who helped him a lot? In his word “Susant sir
not only helped me in providing books but also gave me free tuition. I passed 10th
grade with sixty-five percent. All because of him”. Now that he completed his high
school successfully. He wanted to help his parents as soon as possible. His math
teacher advised him to join ITI. He told him, if you want to help your parent's financial
condition, you need to get skilled first. ITI is one of the best ways to get a job quickly
in any company.
So he decides to join ITI. He admitted to Govt. TTI Takatpur in 2018, in the trade of
Welder and resided in the ITI Hostel. But his struggle did not end here. So he
decides to do some part-time job to fulfill his need. Gopabandhu through a friend
came to know that a nearby catering service provider has a requirement. Where he
can do a job and also can continue his ITI. He served food in marriage ceremolies
as a part time job to maintain his hostel fee & other financial needs.
My life at ITI—
“When I look back now, my life @ TTI was one of the best moment of life. The ITI
ecosystem had contributed a lot. Despite poverty, struggling for each penny, when
I enter the ITI gate, I tend to forget all, and do the classes mindfully. My trade
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