P. 12
Sushanta Bisoi
Mechanic Motor Vehicle (2017-19)
Journey begins from a rural village of Odisha called
Unchadiha, which is totally backward and also
Susanta was
considering himself detached from the rest of the modern world. We are
as “A boy of low living in a world where one’s economic conditions
Step” But ITI training decide successful career for many students, Susanta
made him fit to fight.
Bisoi decides to fight against his fate and got success.
Susanta belongs to a very poor family, whose father
is a farmer.
His mother had to A family whose struggle starts with sunrise but never
take loan from an ends with sunset. A family that struggles for arranging
SSG group for his its daily bread and butter. Susanta considered himself
admission in MMV
trade at TTI, that he is a “A boy of Slow Step”. Susanta has also an
Takatpur elder sister who is waiting at the doors of marriage.
Being the only son of the family and due to poor
economic condition, Susanta thought that he would
Now he is working
as a technician in have to play the head role of his family.
Suzuki motors, Unfortunately, he could not score good marks in the
Gujarat and aspire examination like other brilliant students in his class so
to start his own
business on he got harassed to attend the class regularly. Anyhow
repairing of vehicle he passed out from high school and he wanted to join
shop very soon. ITI but due to lack of knowledge regarding ITI he took
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