P. 17
In Sep 2019 when I was having dinner with my brother at home, my brother got a
mail containing my appointment letter. I could not believe & checked again and my
words fails to express the joy of that moment. In the morning, I told my father about
clearing BARC(Bhava Atomic Research Center, Mumbai). He did not believe me,
how this naughty boy can do such a good thing. My brother nodding his head
showing confirmation of my job at BARC.
It has been ten-month since I joined BARC. I still learning every day. Now those
people, who think I can do anything in my life, smile at me and appreciate my effort.
I now reconcile all the beliefs which I lost. Now I am thinking about what is the next
best thing. I want to join ISRO. Still not settled with this. Chasing the next best.
"Chasing best still running in my blood with the belief of Hard work always pays"
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