P. 19
Arjit was very impressed to listen a successful story from his friend. He came back to
his home and decided to take admission in an ITI college.
After his selection in ITI, his father was overpleased as he had been working hard to
get him educated. He took admission in TTI, Takatpur. After taking admission Arjit
says that “TTI came into my life – a ray of hope emerged and the hopes were fulfilled
too”. Life@ TTI
“My life at TTI Takatpur in one word just amazing, it’s a great learning experience
whether ITI fest, taking part in LearnX project or in the workshop everywhere I got
enormous support of all the teacher,” he said in glad. Initial days he used to be very
shy, and also hesitate to open up easily with strangers. As he says “ One of my favorite
classes is employability skill, where all students got an exposure to various activity for
the development of presentation skill, interview skill, and also interpersonal skill. We
used to call them the Change leader of ITI, they are very cooperative and also
approachable both inside and outside of the campus. My change leader is Mangal Sir,
he is very energetic, he used to do a lot of activities and also tell us stories. I learn the
technique of interview which on later in a campus drive do work for me a lot.
About his trade, he mentions how Barsha sir , sanjeeb sir and subhendu sir helped him
out in understanding theory as well as practical. In his word “ due to poor financial
condition, during my form fill up Sanjeeb sir help me money. because of which I can
appear in the exam and today whatever I am it's because of my all teacher so am very
thankful to my trainers and change leaders. I am also very thankful to TTI, Takatpur.
After getting selected in the campus Arijit move to Gujurat for joining Suzuki Motors
Pvt ltd. There he joined as a technician. In his word “ I got to work in the assemble line.
It's such a big organization. I learned a lot about automobiles, yet a lot to learn”. There
Arijit is in a fixed term contract which got renewal after one year of joining. He gladly
says “ most of the candidates joined with me are not qualify for the renewal of FTC,
where they choose me for the next term. My manager in that company says because
of your hard work and discipline nature the company has decided that. It makes me
feel proud and also A ray of hope for my future endeavor.”
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