P. 23
hile studying at ITI
Deepti Kanta Mandal
(SMW) (2018-19)
Biography of a grass tree.
Here the old student of TTI, Takatpur presents before me
a part of his sorrowful biography what is blessed in the
following description. The student considers himself as a
small grass. Here a boy considered himself as a small grass
tree. A grass tree is not a big tree or a small bush still it
expects to remain both sides of the road to improve the
beauty of the one. Like a small grass the student desire to
be well established in the society a do work for the poor
people. The student is deepti Kanta Mandal from a hamlet
of kudia, basta block in mayurbhanj.
They are 3 siblings his nickname is dipu. The economical
condition was a barrier for him to reach his destination. He
knows life without struggle is not a successful one so he
struggles very often in his life journey
Anyhow he passed the primary education in his village
school when he took admission in the nearby high school
on the first day of his school he got punishment.
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