P. 25

Most of the time he did his classes with an empty stomach as 50 rupees were
                       expensed  through  traveling.  After  2  months  he  visited  Mr.  Puri  sir  (hostel

                       superintendent)  and  told  him  his  miserable  condition.  The  superintendent
                       studied his sorrowful situation and extended him his helping hand towards him.

                       From  that  month  he  remains  in  a  hostel  as  a  border.  His  trade  trainer  had

                       suggested  him  to  meet  hostel  superintendent  so  he  was  very  grateful  to
                       lalatendu sir (trade trainer). Further, another teacher sipun sir helped him time

                       to time when he remained in problem. He also liked his soft skill trainer Bimal
                       and  mangal  sir  who  helped  a  lot  overcoming  from  fear.  During  his  student

                       carrier, his life was full of struggle. He was exhausted in his life journey and he
                       was not himself. due to his strong self-confidence and enthusiasm, at last, he

                       crushed the sorrowful highest hill barrier. One day a new sun grows in his fat

                       sky and he was selected in the college campus for the post of technician in East
                       India technical Pvt ltd. So he says “ I am very thankful to all trainers and change

                       leaders of TTI, Takatpur. Also, he shows his gratitude to principal sir for his
                       cooperation.  After  passing  the  ITI  he  joined  in  his  new  station.  Now  he  is

                       dwelling in the dom of love and peace of happiness with his family. Now he has

                       great ambition for a class one officer to fulfill his service as he can extend his
                       service  for  the  poor  people.  For  this  reason,  he  has  decided  to  tender

                       resignation in the future to fulfill his ambition. He has known “If want to get
                       something  then  u  have  to  left  something”. Further, he  says  in his  language

                       “Who don’t struggle they can’t achieve success”.

                                                            We are Inspired By….
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